Ways to give

Online with Credit Card

Give online with credit card now

You can make a one-time gift, you can divide your gift into multiple payments, or you can set up a sustaining gift. (Learn more about sustaining giving.)


Make a pledge

Your pledge should be fulfilled by May 31, 2025.

Make a gift by phone

Give by phone

Call 1-800-238-5528 to make a gift by credit card.

Wire, ACH, or E-check

Give by Wire, ACH, or E-check

Make a gift by check

Mail your gift to:
Office of Annual Giving
300 N. Washington Street
Gettysburg College
Box 426
Gettysburg, PA 17325


Give from your IRA

The IRA Charitable Rollover is now permanent and allows donors 70½ or older to make a gift today. Learn how you can benefit.

Planned gift

Make a planned gift

Planned giving offers ways to combine your philanthropic goals with other long-term financial considerations. Learn more about how gift planning can help you achieve your goals.

Stock and Securities

Donate stock or other securities

Donating stock or other appreciated securities offers benefits for Gettysburg College and for you. Learn more.

Donor advised fund

Give from your donor advised fund

Donor advised funds are like charitable savings accounts. They give you the flexibility to recommend how much and how often money is granted to Gettysburg College. Learn more.

Corporate matching gifts

See if your gift could qualify for a match

Corporate Matching Gifts are gifts made by your employer to match your personal gift to the College. A dollar-for-dollar match is common, but some companies contribute two or even three dollars for each dollar an employee gives. Check to see if your company matches.

Payroll deduction

Payroll Deduction (OnBase)

Gettysburg College employees can make gifts through payroll deduction by submitting the Payroll Deduction form.