Twenty-nine students gathered in the CUB Ballroom on Wednesday, December 13. They were surrounded by their friends, families, professors, and mentors, and they celebrated an important milestone in their lives: the culmination of their College journey. This moment and the start of a new journey was celebrated during the annual Midyear Graduates Recognition Ceremony.
“Gettysburg College has prepared you to make a difference,” said Gettysburg College President Janet Morgan Riggs ’77 in her address to the graduates. “You are a small, but mighty, group of citizens who have the potential to change the world in both large and small ways. And that’s what we expect of you.”
View the recording of the ceremony below or via livestream.
The students in attendance represented diverse academic disciplines and had achieved at the highest levels during their Gettysburg experience—they studied abroad, conducted innovative research, competed on athletic teams, performed in music ensembles, and volunteered in the community in many different ways.
During the ceremony, Riggs reflected on their accomplishments, and her challenge to them during their Convocation ceremony to take advantage of the unique opportunities they would have during their time here.
“Whatever your path, all of you have taken initiative and contributed to our College community in countless ways. And now, you’re ready to graduate from one of the best liberal arts colleges in the country,” said Riggs. “I hope that brings you great pride. And I hope with that pride you feel a sense of responsibility, a desire to do something significant with your Gettysburg experience—to go out into the world and do great work.”
During her keynote address, Associate Professor of Physics Jackie Milingo also focused on the responsibility our graduates have to themselves, their communities, and their universe.
“Imagine scaling the 13.7 billion year history of the universe into one calendar year,” Milingo said. “The average human life span on this scale is less than 0.2 second. I didn’t share this to elicit an existential crisis; I shared this to give you a glimpse of how important your time in this universe really is,”
“All of human history fits into the last 30 seconds of that calendar year. We haven’t been around very long but look at what we’ve accomplished, not all of it good, but look at what we have the potential to do. It’s incredible to consider. So, you have 0.2 seconds. It matters, it really does. Make the universe proud.”
After Milingo’s remarks, each of the graduates were invited to process across the stage as Dean of Students Julie Ramsey read their names and shared a few details about their College experience.
A reception was held after the ceremony with light refreshments.
All students who participated in the recognition ceremony are invited to return to campus for their formal Commencement ceremony on Sunday, May 20, 2018. Howard Fineman, Global Editorial Director for the Huffington Post, will speak and receive an honorary degree during the ceremony.
View photos from the event above or on Flickr.