Faculty Information

The Center for Global Education collaborates with faculty, departments and programs in a myriad of ways. CGE relies on faculty to support and encourage students throughout the entire global study experience. CGE and faculty partner to do program development that compliments new and changing curricular needs of the College and to evaluate current program affiliations. Additionally, CGE works closely with faculty who are looking to teach or do research abroad or who are trying to engage institutions abroad in support of their teaching and scholarship goals.

Gettysburg College strongly encourages faculty to take advantage of international opportunities. The Center for Global Education supports faculty participation in a range of experiences abroad including site visits, seminars, semester long research and teaching, student mentoring, and embedded courses. We can also help you to get involved in internationally related initiatives and governance opportunities on campus. Please contact CGE with any questions or to schedule an appointment to discuss your international work further.

Opportunities for On-Campus Involvement

Teaching and Research Opportunities Abroad
Short-term Faculty Development and Familiarization Programs

Register for Medical Evacuation and Repatriation Insurance