New Program Affiliation

Any academic department interested in developing a global study program affiliation, must follow these guidelines. Global Study Program affiliations include any credit-bearing semester-length off-campus experience. The Center for Global Education is the point of contact to assist with this process. Any new program affiliation must meet the expectations for global study programs as determined by the Global Study Programs Committee and the Center for Global Education. Please email for further information.

  1. Complete the Center for Global Education Affiliation Consideration Form. This form can be obtained from the Center for Global Education. Submit this form via email to the Global Study Programs Committee (GSPC) at At least one meeting with the Director for the Center of Global Education is required to discuss your idea and the current affiliated program options that are related to your academic goals before completing the Center for Global Education Affiliation Consideration Form.
  2. The GSPC will make a preliminary review of your proposal, and respond to you directly about proceeding with the affiliation evaluation.
  3. If the affiliation is approved for further consideration, you will be asked to complete the Center for Global Education Program Evaluation for Affiliations. It is at this point that the Campus Sponsor (that is in most cases the Chair of a Department) and the Director of the Center for Global Education will make a site visit to the program. Expenses for the site visit will be shared between the sponsoring department(s) and CGE. In the past, the Campus Sponsor has often submitted a request for Research and Professional Development Funds to support the costs of the site visit. Typically, one or more additional program sites in addition to the proposed site will be reviewed during the same site visit for due diligence. Once the full evaluations are complete, the Campus Sponsor will submit one copy to the GSPC and a second copy to the Academic Program and Planning Committee (APPC). The GSPC will assess the non-academic portions of the program, and the APPC will evaluate the academic portions of the program.
  4. If the affiliation is approved by the GSPC and the APPC, the proposal will be forwarded to the Faculty Finance Committee for review. If approved, the proposal will be sent to Faculty Council where it will be put on the Faculty Meeting agenda for full consideration.
  5. Typically, this process takes one year to complete. If the affiliation is approved by the faculty, a written affiliation agreement contract will be negotiated with the program. The contractual details will be decided upon by the Dean for Global Initiatives, Gettysburg College Legal Counsel, and other stakeholders. Copies of the signed contracts will be kept in the Center for Global Education, the Provost’s Office, and with the approved program.