Greetings Gettysburg community, students, faculty, and staff,
I write this brief note as an expression of sorrow, but in solidarity with our community, particularly the students impacted—both directly and indirectly—by the events that took place this past weekend.
As you may recall, President Iuliano had organized a welcome reception that would have taken place today at 4 p.m. to introduce me as the new Chief Diversity Officer. We both agreed in postponing this activity into the future, given the urgent need to continue focusing on the different levels of impact created by the events. I do want to thank sincerely all of our colleagues who worked hard to plan this reception, including our Facilities and Dining staff.
I wish to use this time, instead, to make myself available to meet with anyone who might want to drop by the Glatfelter Lodge, from 4 - 5 p.m. to chat, reflect, decompress, or to inquire about additional resources, as we continue working together on repairing, healing, and improving.
Please also know that I am always available through email (, and I will be setting aside all Thursdays of this semester, from 1 - 2 p.m., for anyone who might want to drop by my office (Pennsylvania Hall, second floor).
In solidarity, saludos,