Voicemail Instructions

Need to request a new voicemail account? Click here to submit a ticket.

Forget your voicemail PIN? Click here to log into the Phone Portal, and reset or change your PIN.

Please Note: If you have set up a forward, the voicemail will be received on the number you forwarded to.  If you do NOT set up a forward, your voicemail will be received on your new Cisco phone.

If a voicemail message is received, an email will be sent to the owner of the voice mailbox. The email will come from the sender “Cisco Unity Connection Messaging System <unityconnection@cuc1-penn.cc.gettysburg.edu>"

The voicemail will be an audio file attachment named “VoiceMessage.wav”.

Access voicemail on campus

To access voicemail - off campus

To set up a new voicemail box

Voicemail keys cheat sheet

To access voicemail - on campus

From on campus, press the voicemail button on your phone. 

Follow the prompts.

To access voicemail - off campus

Dial the phone number of the extension where you would like to check voicemail.

When you hear the voicemail answer, press * (star) key.

You will be prompted, “Enter your ID followed by #.” Your ID is the four digit phone extension. After you enter the extension, press #.

You will be prompted, “Enter your PIN followed by #.” Your PIN is the numerical password you have set for this voicemail box. After you enter your PIN, press #.

To set up a new voicemail box

Dial the phone number of the extension where you would like to check voicemail.

When you hear the voicemail answer, press * (star) key.

You will be prompted, “Enter your ID followed by #.” Your ID is the four digit phone extension. After you enter the extension, press #.

You will be prompted, “Enter your PIN followed by #.” Your PIN is the numerical password you have set for this voicemail box. After you enter your PIN, press #.

If this is the first time that you are logging into the voicemail, you will need to set it up.

The default PIN (password) for your first time log in is “112233.” After entering the default PIN, press #.

If this is the first time you are accessing the voicemail box, you will be prompted to set it up.

Follow the prompts.

Voicemail Keys Cheat Sheet