Election Day: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 - November 2, 2020

Dear Faculty and Staff,

With election day upon us tomorrow, we again have before us the opportunity, indeed the responsibility, to exercise the franchise by voting. It is a right that generations of Americans have fought hard to secure for themselves and their children. It is fundamental to the notion of socially responsible citizenship we emphasize to our students.

In that spirit, the Faculty Council has asked individual members of the faculty to be accommodating for students who need time away from their studies to vote. Human Resources has likewise asked supervisors to be flexible if employees are unable to vote outside of working hours. Finally, College Life is sending a note to students reminding them about the importance of voting.

Groups of students, faculty, and staff will be meeting regularly at the Weidensall Lobby from 8 a.m. – 8 p.m. to walk to the Gettysburg Fire Department polling location together. Once you’ve finished voting, if you are interested in walking with a group back to campus, please look for a staff member holding a Gettysburg College sign. My wife, Susan, and I will be participating in this effort. We will be heading to the Fire Department from Weidensall at 11:00 for anyone interested in joining us.

It is widely said that democracy is not a spectator sport. Not everyone will have the time or temperament to run for elected office, but we all can help shape the course of our country by having our voice heard through the ballot.


Bob Iuliano