April 18, 2024
Dear Finance and Administration Division,
I am writing to you today to share some important updates in the Division of Finance and Administration.
First, I am thrilled to announce the appointment of Becca Barth as our new Assistant Director of Human Resources. Becca will begin in HR on a full-time basis effective Monday, May 6. Becca is a familiar face to many of you, having served the College for 17 years, most recently as the Assistant Director of Career Engagement in the Center for Career Engagement (CCE).
Becca’s background and experience make her well-suited to support our campus community in a variety of HR functions. In her new role, Becca will focus on promoting a positive work environment through professional development, employee engagement, performance management, talent acquisition, and employee relations. Previously, Becca managed the student employment process within CCE, offering invaluable support to students and supervisors. Her commitment to inclusivity and empowering students from diverse backgrounds is evident in her work. We look forward to Becca joining the HR team.
Second, please join us in congratulating and wishing farewell to Sharon Dayhoff, Director of Financial Services & Controller at Gettysburg College. Sharon has been an invaluable member of our campus community for over 18 years, and we are going to miss her. Sharon has accepted a Senior Accountant position with Johns Hopkins Medicine.
Sharon joined Financial Services in April 2006 as a Staff Accountant and progressed within the department to Senior Director of Financial Services & Controller. Over the years, she has been involved in creating the Majestic Theater membership program, merging the Dwight D. Eisenhower World Affairs Institute into the College, accounting for and consolidating the activities of Gettysburg Great Productions during the filming and release of 1000 to 1: The Cory Weissman Story, supporting and accounting for the creation of the MA in American History program, implementing changes to non-profit accounting standards, including redesigned financial statements, and managing the accounting of COVID-related federal and state funds, among other initiatives.
I have witnessed the partner of our external auditing firm, as well as the chair of our Audit, Compliance, and Reporting Committee of the Board of Trustees, praise Sharon’s knowledge, ability, and approach, and I have had the pleasure of observing her excellent work firsthand. We wish her the very best in this next chapter in her career.
Third, Dawn Crockett, Assistant Controller, will be accepting the role of Interim Director of Financial Services & Controller. Dawn has worked at Gettysburg College for nearly 19 years, and she brings a wealth of knowledge and practical insight to the position. We are confident in her abilities and look forward to seeing her excel in this new interim capacity.
Fourth, Brandy Briggs, Supervisor of Accounts Payable, is departing the College after 21 years to pursue her dream in the fitness industry. Brandy has been a trusted colleague for many across our community over the last two decades. Please join me in congratulating Brandy on this exciting career change.
Finally, I am delighted to announce that Diane MacBeth will be returning from retirement to temporarily assist in the Accounts Payable Office, filling the gap left by Brandy’s departure. Diane retired in 2019, and on this occasion was described in The Gettysburgian as “The Heart of Sunderman.”
Please join me in expressing gratitude to Sharon and Brandy for their dedicated service to Gettysburg College, and welcoming Becca into her new permanent role and Dawn and Diane into their interim roles.
Mike Coyne
Vice President for Finance & Administration
cc: President’s Council