October 12, 2022
Greetings Campus Community,
We hope that your Reading Days have been a good balance of study and relaxation. We are writing to you today as members of our collective community to share information about several upcoming campus events, and how these events align with the College's values around inclusion and belonging while also supporting free speech.
On Tuesday, October 18 from 7 - 8 p.m., Young Americans for Freedom (YAF) will be hosting speaker Ryan T. Anderson in CUB 260. Some of you have asked why the College allows speakers who elicit controversial viewpoints that appear to counter the College's value of supporting historically marginalized groups. This event has been approved because, as our Freedom of Expression Philosophy reminds us, “The College is committed to the ideal of free and open inquiry in all matters, as freedom of expression allows us to continually strive to better society and to address injustices. Freedom of expression is invaluable to the institution because it brings together multiple opinions, allows them to coalesce and/or clash, and opens them to the community’s reflections, analyses, and critiques.”
Freedom of expression and support for the worth and dignity of all people are not mutually exclusive. With this in mind, the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC) will be hosting the following events to celebrate and support our students, faculty, and staff who identify as part of the LGBTQ+ community. Additional details can be found on the GSRC’s Engage page.
Wednesday, October 12
· Gettysburg College National Coming Out Day Celebration, 2 - 5 p.m., Stine Lake
· Hang Out with Lavender Lounge, 7 - 9 p.m., Apple Hall first floor
· Final Day of "The Long Road to LGBTQ+ Equality in PA" Exhibit, Musselman Library, Lower level
Tuesday, October 18
· LGBTQ+ Signs for Solidarity and Button-Making, Noon - 2 p.m., Gender and Sexuality Resource Center
· Inclusion and Belonging BBQ, 5:30 - 7 p.m., Stine Lake (Rain location: Attic)
Ongoing Events for LGBTQ+ Identifying Students
· Peer-led Weekly LGBTQ+ Discussion Group, Every Friday 4 - 5 p.m., Gender and Sexuality Resource Center
· Peer-led Weekly Trans & Non-Binary Peer Support Group, Every Sunday 3-4pm, Gender and Sexuality Resource Center
We understand that some may wish to express their opposition to certain events. As stated in the Policy and Guidelines for Public Expression, “Disagreement with different opinions is acceptable; however, hindering or obstructing such activity compromises the College’s goal of creating an environment where issues can be openly discussed. An individual or group wishing to protest at an event may do so as long as: a) The protest is held in accord with the Time, Place, and Manner guidelines detailed in this policy, and b) The speaker’s ability to speak and the audience’s right to see and to hear a speaker are not unreasonably impeded.”
As President Iuliano said in his email yesterday, our rhetoric and actions must always be grounded in respect for our shared humanity. With this in mind, we encourage community members to familiarize themselves with this policy and its nuances. Questions may be directed to us or other members of the College Life team.
AJ Del Gaudio
Director, Gender and Sexuality Resource Center
Cristina Garcia
Associate Dean for Inclusion and Belonging