Faculty notebook - April 2021

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Vol. XXVI, No. 1


Kurt Andresen, Professor of Physics, with alum co-author Abby Bull ’16, and co-authors Wei Meng, Raju Timsina, and Xiangyun Qiu, published “Additive Modulation of DNA-DNA Interactions by Interstitial Ions” in Biophysical Journal 118.12 (2020): 3019–3025. We measured the competition between +2 and +3 ions in tightly packed DNA as we pushed them together using osmotic pressure. This is relevant for biological conditions where DNA is subject to this pressure and is tightly packed.

Rimvydas Baltaduonis, Associate Professor of Economics, with co-author Elizabeth Immer-Bernold, published “Regulating Greenhouse Gas Emissions by an Inter-Temporal Policy Mix: An Experimental Investigation” in The Australian Journal of Agricultural Resource Economics (February 8, 2021, online). This paper discusses the performance of alternative regimes to control emissions. The main focus is on the effects of a staged transition from a tax regime to a permit trading regime, which has been tried in Australia, relative to standard policy regimes such as a pure emissions tax and a pure emissions permit trading.

Abou Bamba, Associate Professor of History and currently Chair, Department of Africana Studies, published “Displacing the French? Ivory Coast, Development, and the Question of Economic Decolonisation” in The Business of Development in Post-Colonial Africa, edited by Veronique Dimier and Sarah Stockwell (London: Palgrave Macmillan, 2020). This chapter explores how and why economic decolonization remained a fleeting project in postcolonial Ivory Coast. Despite the efforts that the Ivorian economic planners deployed, French firms maintained a hegemonic control over the business of development in the West African country. For critics, such hegemony came to symbolize French neocolonialism in Africa.

Clinton Baugess, Research, Instruction, and Information Literacy Librarian, Musselman Library, with staff co-authors Mallory Jallas, formerly Reference and Instruction Librarian, Musselman Library; Janelle Wertzberger, Assistant Dean and Director of Scholarly Communications, Musselman Library; and Meggan Smith, Research, Instruction, and Reference Services Librarian, Musselman Library, published “Peer Research Mentors at Gettysburg College” in Training Research Consultants: A Guide for Academic Libraries, edited by Jennifer Torreano and Mary O’Kelly (Chicago: American Library Association, 2021). This chapter provides a practical overview of Musselman Library’s peer research mentor program, including program design, hiring, and training.

Megan Benka-Coker, Assistant Professor of Health Sciences, with co-authors Jennifer L. Peel, John Volckens, Nicholas Good, Kelsey R. Bilsback, Christian L’Orange, Casey Quinn, Bonnie N. Young, Sarah Rajkumar, Ander Wilson, Jessica Tryner, Sebastian Africano, Anibal B. Osorto, and Maggie L. Clark, published “Kitchen Concentrations of Fine Particulate Matter and Particle Number Concentration in Households Using Biomass Cookstoves in Rural Honduras” in Environmental Pollution 258 (March 2020, online). In this article, we explore levels of household air pollution due to cooking with firewood in Honduras. Specifically, we measured real-time particle numbers and concentrations over a 24-hour period. We discuss the implications of breathing in particles of various sizes on health.

Kathy Berenson, Associate Professor of Psychology, with alum co-authors Sarah M. Van De Weert ’16, Stella Nicolaou ’19, and Cindy Campoverde ’20, and co-authors Eshkol Rafaeli and Geraldine Downey, published “Sensitivity to Reward and Punishment in Borderline and Avoidant Personality Disorders” in Journal of Personality Disorders (March 2020, online). We examined sensitivity to reward and punishment in individuals diagnosed with borderline personality disorder (BPD) or avoidant personality disorder (APD) relative to a healthy comparison (HC) group, using self-report questionnaires and behavioral tasks.

Temma Berg, Professor Emerita of English, published “After the Golem: Teaching Golems, Kabbalah, Exile, Imagination, and Technological Takeover” in Teaching Jewish American Literature, edited by Roberta Rosenberg and Rachel Rubinstein (New York: Modern Language Association, 2020). This chapter of an MLA teaching anthology is a how- to description of my Golem course, why I taught it, how it was taught, books and films used, and sample assignments. The article also includes information about helpful theoretical and historical background texts.

Emily Besecker, Assistant Professor of Health Sciences, with co-authors Emily M. Blanke and Gregory M. Holmes, published “Altered Physiology of Gastrointestinal Vagal Afferents Following Neurotrauma” in Neural Regeneration Research 16.2 (2021): 254–263. Central nervous system plasticity is of significant interest, particularly to spinal cord- injured and traumatic brain-injured populations. This work highlights the adaptability of the nervous system with a focus on the gastrointestinal tract. Normal and altered anatomy and physiology of the gastrointestinal vagal sensory input is discussed, and current research is explained to help understand the vagal afferent plasticity following neurotrauma.

Emelio Betances, Professor of Sociology and Latin American Studies, published “The Rise and Fall of Marcha Verde in the Dominican Republic Sociology” in Latin American Perspectives 234.47 (September 2020): 20–34. This article explains why the popular protest movement Marcha Verde (Green March) succeeded in unveiling massive corruption and impunity in the Dominican government, and how it contributed to democracy. Marcha Verde was short-lived, but it created the political conditions for unseating the corrupt government of Danilo Medina (2016–2020) and his political party.

Betances published “What Happens to Social Movements When They Succeed: The Case of the 4 Percent for Education in the Dominican Republic” in Latin American Perspectives 233.47 (July 2020): 223–237. The article explains why the 4 Percent for Education succeeded in the Dominican Republic, and how corruption prevented the full implementation of the movement’s demands. It also points to the limits of protest movements and why they need to articulate themselves autonomously to political parties to ensure full implementation of their claims.

Betances published “Libros: Guerra y paz” in Global 16.90 (September–October 2019). This essay on Tolstoy’s War and Peace establishes a parallel between our current situation of uncertainty due to the Coronavirus and that of the Russian nobility in 1812, when it had to leave Moscow because of the impending arrival of Napoleonic troops that wanted to seize the city. The reader is invited to think about climate change, irruption of viruses, and the need to protect Planet Earth.

Betances published “Mexico: el retorno del estado desarrollista?” in Global 16.89 (July– August 2019). The article reviews the first year of Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador as president of Mexico (2019–2024). It focuses on the beginning of the construction of large public works, the foundation of the National Guard to provide security for the population, and the implementation of social programs to address the issue of poverty and social inequality. Lopez Obrador succeeded on the political front, but there was no economic growth, and drug-related violence remained undiminished. Lopez Obrador has launched an unprecedented anti-corruption program, which has already saved the country billions of dollars, but he has failed to review the need for integral fiscal reform that would address the issues of labor, education, health care, and poverty in the long term.

William Bowman, Professor of History, published The World Cup as World History (Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2020). This book studies a global sporting event, the World Cup of Football (Soccer), as a vehicle for analyzing major themes—such as politics, economics, race relations, gender issues, and cultural developments—in modern world history.

Alice Brawley Newlin, Assistant Professor of Management, with co-authors Cynthia L.S. Pury, Emily A. Burnett, and Shane J. Lopez, published “Courage” in Oxford Handbook of Positive Psychology (3rd Edition), edited by C.R. Snyder, Shane J. Lopez, Lisa M. Edwards, and Susana C. Marques (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2021). In this book chapter, we review the literature on defining the construct of courage, its dimensions (volition, goal, and risk), and types of courage. We also review in depth the various ways that courage has been measured across different domains of research.

Brawley Newlin published “More Specific than ‘Small’: Identifying Key Factors to Account for the Heterogeneity in Stress Findings among Small Businesses” in Entrepreneurial and Small Business Stressors, Experienced Stress, and Well-Being, edited by Pamela L. Perrewé, Peter D. Harms, and Chu-Hsiang (Daisy) Chang (Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020). Rather than examining all small businesses (which comprise over 99.5% of all private businesses in the US) as one homogeneous group, I argue that we should examine more specific sub-populations to get a better sense of how stress is experienced by small business owners. This book is Volume 18 in the Research in Occupational Stress and Well- Being series.

Amy Dailey, Associate Professor of Health Sciences, with co-authors Adam Hege, Alicia Farris, and Maria Julian, published “Promoting Nutritional Health, Healthy Food Systems, and Well Being of Community” in Public Health Nutrition: Rural, Urban, and Global Community-Based Practice (New York: Springer, 2020). This chapter describes the key concepts involved with nutritional health at a local level, processes involved with developing a community food system, and barriers, disparities and inequities commonly found in local communities.

Anne S. Douds, Assistant Professor and currently Co-chair, Public Policy Program, with student co-authors Nicholas J. Barrish ‘22 and Nicholas S. Fiore ’22, and co-author Eileen M. Ahlin, published “Why Prison Dental Care Matters: Legal, Policy, and Practical Concerns” in Annals of Health Law and Life Sciences: The Health Policy and Law Review of Loyola University Chicago School of Law 29.2 (2020): 101–126.

Douds, with co-author Eileen M. Ahlin, published “If You Build It, Will Vets Come? An Identity Theory Approach to Expanding Veterans’ Treatment Court Participation” in Criminal Justice Review (March 24, 2020, online). This paper applies identity theory to expanding veterans’ treatment court participation.

Douds, with co-author Don Hummer, published “When a Veterans’ Treatment Court Fails: Lessons Learned from a Qualitative Evaluation” in Victims and Offenders 14.3 (2019): 322–343. This article considers the failure of Veterans’ Treatment Court.

Felicia Else, Professor of Art and Art History, published “Bartolomeo Ammannati” in Oxford Bibliographies in Art History, edited by Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2020). This article is a comprehensive review of the international scholarship on the sixteenth-century Florentine sculptor and architect, Bartolomeo Ammannati, one of the most important and productive artists in Florence under the Medici Grandukes in the Mannerist period influenced by Michelangelo.

Kay Etheridge, Professor of Biology, published The Flowering of Ecology: Maria Sibylla Merian’s Caterpillar Book (Leiden, The Netherlands: Brill, 2020). This book, Volume 3 in the Emergence of Natural History series, presents an English translation of Merian’s 1679 work, the first to illustrate and describe insect/plant interactions. Her research on moths and butterflies and her process in writing and illustrating her “caterpillar book” are presented in a historical context. The book is richly illustrated with Merian’s images.

Sarah Kate Gillespie, Adjunct Instructor of Civil War Era Studies, published “Aesthetic versus the ‘Mere Historic’: Civil War and Frontier Photography at MoMA” in Modern in the Making: MoMA and the Modern Experiment, 1929–49, edited by Austin Porter and Sandra Zalman (New York: Bloomsbury, 2020). This essay analyzes a 1942 exhibition held at the Museum of Modern Art that displayed photography of the Civil War and American Frontier.

Darren Glass, Associate Provost for Academic Assessment, Dean of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Professor of Mathematics, with co-authors Kassie Archer, Abigail C. Bishop, Alexander Diaz-Lopez, Luis D. García Puente, and Joel Louwsma, published “Arithmetical Structures on Bidents” in Discrete Mathematics 343.7 (July 2020): 111850. In this work we analyze the arithmetical structures on a family of graphs that we call “bidents.” In particular, we give bounds on the number of structures on any given bident, and also give results on the ensuing critical groups.

Glass, with alum co-author Joshua Wagner ’19, published “Arithmetical Structures on Paths with a Doubled Edge” in Integers 20 (2020): A68. We analyze the number of arithmetical structures on graphs that lie in a certain family. This question combines areas of graph theory, number theory, and linear algebra, and was done as a summer research project through the X-SIG program.

Glass, with co-authors Dan Boneh, Daniel Krashen, Kristin Lauter, Shahed Sharif, Alice Silverberg, Mehdi Tibouchi, and Mark Zhandry, published “Multiparty Non-Interactive Key Exchange and More from Isogenies on Elliptic Curves” in Journal of Mathematical Cryptology 14.1 (2020): 5–14. In this work, we establish a framework that would allow multiple people to agree on a secret that they could use for cryptographic purposes that would be resistant to attacks even by quantum computers. If fully implemented, this would be the first of its kind.

Tim Good, Professor of Physics, with alum co-authors Rikard Bodin ’20 and Neng Yin ’20, published “Evidence for Electron Energization Accompanying Spontaneous Formation of Ion Acceleration Regions in Expanding Plasmas” in Physics of Plasmas 27.12 (2020). This article reports experimental investigations of a novel design for a plasma thruster engine to be employed for interplanetary exploration. Prof. Good and physics majors Neng Yin and Rikard Bodine traveled to West Virginia University and collaborated with members of Prof. Earl Scime’s plasma laboratory. Laser spectroscopy and electrostatic probes revealed evidence for electron energization accompanying spontaneous formation of ion acceleration regions in expanding plasmas. Efforts are underway to better understand and to optimize this plasma mechanism for efficient propulsion engines.

Nathifa Greene, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, published “Stereotype Threat, Identity, and the Disruption of Habit” in An Introduction to Implicit Bias: Knowledge, Justice, and the Social Mind, edited by Erin Beeghly and Alex Madva (New York: Routledge, 2020). This book chapter is a critical analysis of how stereotype threat is construed in social and political philosophy, arguing that this concept should be understood as a disruption of habitual experience rather than a problem of self-concept or self-efficacy. This argument builds on conceptions of embodiment in phenomenological psychology and social philosophy, with concern to prioritize the significance of social context among other concerns. By proposing that disruptions to the flow of habitual action are, among other possible causes or situational factors, a more compelling explanation, this description of stereotype threat points to more distinct moral and political implications than the problems of implicit bias.

Caroline Hartzell, Professor and currently Chair, Department of Political Science, with co-author Matthew Hoddie, published Power Sharing and Democracy in Post-Civil War States: The Art of the Possible (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2020). This book advances the argument that, following civil wars, societies need not choose between security or democracy, as often has been argued. Rather, power-sharing arrangements arrived at by civil war antagonists can help to stabilize peace and establish the basis for post-conflict democratization.

Barbara Heisler, Professor of Emerita of Sociology, with co-author Lily M. Hoffman, published Airbnb, Short-Term Rentals and the Future of Housing (New York: Routledge, 2021). Locating the origins and success of Airbnb in the conditions wrought by the 2008 financial crisis, this book brings together a diverse body of literature and constructs case studies of cities in the U.S., Australia, and Germany to examine the struggles of local authorities to protect their housing and neighborhoods from the increasing professionalization and commercialization of Airbnb and the short-term rental industry. Despite its claims, Airbnb has revealed itself as platform capitalism, incentivizing speculation in residential housing, removing long-term rentals, contributing to rising rents, and changing neighborhood milieus as visitors replace long-term residents.

Heisler published “Middle-Class German Migrants in the United States: Migrants, Immigrants, Expatriates, Transmigrants, Mobile Citizens or German Americans?” in German Studies Review 43.3 (October 2020): 537–551. Drawing on data from interviews with 25 German immigrants in Portland, Oregon, this paper aims to shed some light on the experiences of middle-class German migrants to the United States. The interview data suggest that while the respondents have achieved successful socioeconomic integration, they exhibit a strong sense of their German identity. Rejecting the label “German American,” they see themselves primarily as “Germans living in America.”

Julie Hendon, Professor of Anthropology, with Lisa Overholtzer and Rosemary A. Joyce, co-edited Mesoamerican Archaeology: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition (Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2021). This is the second edition of a popular textbook first published in 2004. It contains original articles by researchers and covers the major time periods and important cultures of Mesoamerica. All chapters are either new or heavily revised for this edition.

Hendon published “Household Archaeology and the Ancient Maya” in Mesoamerican Archaeology: Theory and Practice, 2nd Edition, edited by Julia A. Hendon, Lisa Overholtzer, and Rosemary A. Joyce (Oxford, UK: Wiley Blackwell, 2021). This chapter discusses the ways that household archaeology has contributed to archaeologists’ understanding of ancient Maya society in Mexico and Central America.

Hendon published “Cuisine and Feasting in the Copán and Lower Ulúa Valleys in Honduras” in Her Cup for Sweet Cacao: Food in Ancient Maya Society, edited by Traci Ardren (Austin: University of Texas Press, 2020). This chapter compares the role of food and feasting in two different ancient societies in Honduras during the seventh to eleventh centuries C.E. It argues that people in the two regions used local and imported ingredients to create a distinctive cuisine for social and ritual events that both brought people together through commensal feast and sometime created social distinction as well.

Ian Isherwood, Associate Professor of War and Memory Studies, published “Memoirs: Negotiating the Great War’s Social Memory” in A History of American Literature and Culture of the First World War, edited by Tim Dayton and Mark W. Van Wienen (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2021). This chapter considers American memoirs written by participants in the First World War.

Ryan Kerney, Associate Professor of Biology, with co-authors John A. Burns and Solange Duhamel, published “Heterotrophic Carbon Fixation in a Salamander–Alga Symbiosis” in Frontiers in Microbiology 11 (August 4, 2020, online). This work discovered competition between salamander embryos and their symbiotic algae for a critical resource—carbon dioxide.

Benjamin Luley, Assistant Professor of Anthropology, published Continuity and Rupture in Roman Mediterranean Gaul: An Archaeology of Colonial Transformations at Ancient Lattara (Oxford, UK: Oxbow, 2020). An archaeological investigation of the changes in daily life at an ancient settlement in Mediterranean Gaul (ancient France) following the Roman conquest.

Junjie Luo, Assistant Professor of Asian Studies, published “Trade and Missionary Work: A Word Frequency Analysis of Dialogues and Detached Sentences in the Chinese Language (1816) and the Pedagogy of Robert Morrison” in Comparative Literature Studies 57.3 (2020): 384–397. This article uses Voyant Tools to analyze the word frequency of an early nineteenth-century bilingual Chinese language textbook edited by a missionary, Robert Morrison. The results of the analysis show that a convergence of cultural, political, and economic factors influenced the content of this textbook.

Brian Meier, Professor of Psychology and Franklin Chair Professor in the Liberal Arts and Sciences, with co-authors Adam K. Fetterman, Jacob T. Juhl, Andrew Abeyta, Clay Routledge, and Michael D. Robinson, published “The Path to God is through the Heart: Metaphoric Self-Location as a Predictor of Religiosity” in Self and Identity 19.6 (2020): 650– 672. Metaphors linking the heart to warm intuition and the head to cold rationality may capture important differences between people. Five studies show that people who locate their sense of self in the heart versus the head had a higher belief in God.

Meier, with co-authors Benjamin M. Wilkowski, Adam K. Fetterman, Shaun K. Lappi, Laverl Z. Williamson, Elizabeth Ferguson Leki, and Emilio Rivera, published “Lexical Derivation of the PINT Taxonomy of Goals: Prominence, Inclusiveness, Negativity-Prevention, and Tradition” in Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 119.5 (2020): 1153–1187. We adopted a lexical approach and investigated the structure of goal-relevant words from the natural English lexicon. This investigation provides a data-driven taxonomy of higher-order goal-content that includes four components: Prominence, Inclusiveness, Negativity Prevention, and Tradition (the PINT Taxonomy of Goal Content).

Meier, with alum co-authors Sara Kramer ’17, Kaitlin Lewin ’19, and Allison Romano ’20, published “I Saw That: Being Observed Reduces Race-Based Shoot Decisions” in Social Psychology 51.3 (2019): 141–148. We found that race-based “shoot” biases in computer tasks can be reduced when people are observed as they engage in the task. Observation likely induces social desirability concerns, which reduce racial stereotypes.

Salma Monani, Associate Professor and currently Chair, Department of Environmental Studies, with student first author Brittany Bondi ’19 and faculty co-authors Sarah Principato, Professor and Thompson Endowed Chair of Environmental Studies, and Christopher Barlett, Associate Professor of Psychology, published “Examining the Impact of Climate Change Film as an Educational Tool” in Applied Environmental Education and Communication (June 18, 2020, online). This study evaluates the effectiveness of film in communicating issues related to climate change. While previous studies demonstrate an immediate effect of a film post-screening, this study also considered if a film can inspire long-term effects, and if supplemental educational information plays a role on participant understanding.

Heather Odle-Dusseau, Professor and David M. LeVan Endowed Chair of Ethics and Management, with co-authors Julie H. Wayne, Russell A. Matthews, and Wendy J. Casper, published “Fit of Role Involvement with Values: Theoretical, Conceptual, and Psychometric Development of Work and Family Authenticity” in Journal of Vocational Behavior 115 (December 2019, online).

Odle-Dusseau, with co-authors Russell A. Matthews, Julie H. Wayne, and Susannah Huang, published “Critical Incidents of Financial Hardship and Worker Health: A Mixed-Methods Retrospective Study” in Occupational Health Science 3 (2019): 145–165.

Christopher Oechler, Assistant Professor of Spanish, published “‘Hoy escribiré una carta’: The News of Siege Warfare in Calderón’s El sitio de Bredá” in Romance Quarterly 68.1 (2021): 18–32. This article describes how Calderón’s play El sitio de Bredá dialogues with prior siege plays and ultimately cultivates a new vision of imperial siege warfare, one that is nurtured by a preoccupation with the burgeoning early modern news industry.

Oechler published “Crafting National Memory from News: Lope de Vega’s La nueva victoria de don Gonzalo de Córdoba” in Hispania 104.1 (2021): 61–73. In this article, I find that Lope de Vega’s play, written and staged just weeks after the Battle of Fleurus (1622), functioned as a type of journalistic dramatization of the victory for its audiences. I argue that, in addition to its news-bearing utility, the play historicized its content, moving it from a journalistic happening to an integral part of Spain’s story, thus broadening and enhancing the ways in which audiences conceived of Fleurus within the Spanish imperial project.

Oechler published “La peste y el distanciamiento en El ganso de oro de Lope de Vega” in Hipogrifo 8.2 (2020): 703–714. In this article, I study the plague in Lope de Vega’s play El ganso de oro. Blending genres, from the pastoral to the palatial with a strong dose of magic, the play provides insight into life during a time of pestilence.

Oechler published “‘Tan Divina Amazona’: The Legend of Isabel the Catholic Queen in Luis Vélez de Guevara’s La serrana de la Vera” in Neophilologus 104.2 (2020): 189–205. In Vélez de Guevara’s play recounting the legend of the serrana de la Vera, I find that the wild mountain woman Gila acts as a stand-in for Isabel the Catholic Queen’s legacy, and the play ultimately emphasizes the untenability of Isabel’s dehumanizing legend.

Monica Ogra, Associate Professor of Environmental Studies and Globalization Studies, with faculty co-author Rud Platt, Professor of Environmental Studies, alum co- author Lincoln Butcher ’19, and co-authors Upma Manral and Ruchi Badola, published “Local Perceptions of Change in Climate and Agroecosystems in the Indian Himalayas: A Case Study of the Kedarnath Wildlife Sanctuary (KWS) Landscape, India” in Applied Geography 125 (December 2020, online). This paper presents the results of a multi-year, faculty-student research project about local perceptions of various forms of environmental change (including climate change, agroecological changes, and human-wildlife conflict) among residents of high-altitude mountain communities in the Indian Himalayas. Completion of this work was achieved over several years and involved a ton of cross- cultural and cross-continental collaboration. Many thanks go out to our colleagues in India, and our amazing student research assistants, Natalie Kisak ’19 (a co-author on the other paper from this project) and Max Butcher ’19 (co-author on this one). We hope that it helps inform policy and advocacy around climate justice and sustainable development, in this part of the Himalayas especially.

Kevin Pham, Assistant Professor of Political Science, published “Nguy¿n An Ninh’s Anti- Colonial Thought: A New Account of National Shame” in Polity 52.4 (2020): 521–550.

Nationalism is typically associated with pride. However, this paper shows how a Vietnamese intellectual of the early twentieth century shamed his compatriots for their lack of national cultural heritage, in order to instill in them a sense of responsibility to participate in a project of creative self-renewal and nation-building.

VoonChin Phua, Professor of Sociology, with alum co-author Jesse E. Shircliff ’19, published “Heritage Spaces in a Global Context: The Case of Singapore Chinatown” in Current Issues in Tourism 23.12 (2020): 1449–1453. In this paper, we used data from semi- structured interviews conducted in summer 2018 in Singapore to examine how locals and tourists view Singapore Chinatown. Our results suggest heritage and commercialization are two major themes regarding Chinatown.

Phua published “The Use of Hornet and ‘Multi-Apping’ in Turkey” in Sexuality and Culture 24.5 (2020): 1376–1386. I examine how Hornet users are also using other apps concurrently, and how this has facilitated contacts between tourists and local Turkish men in an under-studied country. The results indicate that using multiple apps allows some users to overcome language barriers, especially between tourists and Turkish locals.

Phua published “Gendering Graffiti in Brazil” in Visual Studies 35.2–3 (2020): 36–48. Examining graffiti in Brazil, I find that images of men are less sexualized, particularly in terms of nudity. In addition, both the portrayal and interpretation of these images reflect a heterosexual bias.

Dave Powell, Associate Professor of Education, published “The History You Don’t Know, and the History You Do: The Promise of Signature Pedagogies in History Education” in The Palgrave Handbook of History and Social Studies Education, edited by Christopher Berg and Theodore Christou (New York: Palgrave, 2020). “Signature pedagogies” is a term used to describe common approaches to teaching skills or subject matter. While this framework is often used in other professions, it has yet to have the same impact in teacher education. This paper explores why that is, and suggests ways that signature pedagogies might improve the education of future history teachers.

Sarah Principato, Professor and Thompson Endowed Chair of Environmental Studies, with alum co-author Keyleigh Wallick ’20, published “Quantitative Analyses of Cirques on the Faroe Islands: Evidence for Time Transgressive Glacier Occupation” in Boreas 49 (2020): 828–840. We provide the first quantitative analyses of cirques (bowl-shaped depressions created by small glaciers) on the Faroe Islands. We measured morphometric parameters and paleo-equilibrium line altitudes. We found that cirques on the Faroe Islands are smaller in length and width and present at lower elevations compared to cirques located in other regions of the world.

James Puckett, Assistant Professor of Physics, with alum co-author Julia Giannini ‘18, published “Testing a Thermodynamic Approach to Collective Animal Behavior in Laboratory Fish Schools” in Physical Review E 101 (June 9, 2020, online). While collective animal systems are characteristically nonequilibrium, we employed concepts from equilibrium statistical mechanics to motivate the measurement of material-like properties in laboratory animal aggregates. We conducted a new set of experiments that utilize high- speed footage of two-dimensional schooling events, particle tracking, and projected static and dynamic light fields to observe and control the behavior of negatively phototaxic fish schools (Hemigrammus bleheri). We found that an effective temperature parameter depends on the compression time, and our results are thus consistent with the school having a constant heat flux.

Puckett, with co-authors Dan Gorbonos, Kasper van der Vaart, Michael Sinhuber, Nicholas T. Ouellette, and Nir S. Gov, published “Pair Formation in Insect Swarms Driven by Adaptive Long-Range Interactions” in Journal of the Royal Society Interface 17.171 (October 2020, online). In swarms of flying insects, the motions of individuals are largely uncoordinated with those of their neighbors, unlike the highly ordered motion of bird flocks. Using an “adaptive-gravity” model that proposes that insects interact via long-range gravity-like acoustic attractions that are modulated by the total background sound (via “adaptivity” or fold-change detection) and that reproduces measured features of real swarms, we show that pair formation can indeed occur without the introduction of additional behavioral rules.

Lindsay Reid, Assistant Professor of Political Science, with co-authors Rachel Myrick, Kelly M. Kadera, and Mark J. C. Crescenzi, published “Conflict Environments and Civil War Onset” in Journal of Global Security Studies 6.2 (2021). This paper assesses how countries’ conflict environments—their spatial and temporal proximity to war—affect the likelihood

that they experience the onset of civil war. We demonstrate that the risk of civil war onset remains highest for countries within regions where there is not only a spatial clustering of violence but also a recent and long-lived legacy of conflict.

Richard Russell, Professor of Psychology, with co-author Carlota Batres, published “Examining the Influence of Cosmetics on Jury Decisions” in Cosmetics 7.3 (2020): 64. This article describes two studies investigating the effects of makeup and defendant age on mock jury decisions.

Jack Ryan, Vice Provost, Dean of Arts and Humanities, Associate Professor of English, and currently Chair, Department of Art and Art History, published “Jim Jarmusch’s Paterson: Poetry, Place, and Cinematic Form” in Next Generation Adaptation: Spectatorship and Process, edited by Allen H. Redmon (Jackson: University of Mississippi Press, 2021). This essay explores the various ways writer/director Jim Jarmusch adapts William Carlos Williams’s long poem, Paterson, for the screen. It also reveals how Jarmusch uses poetry and other literary forms in this film.

Patturaja Selvaraj, Assistant Professor of Management, with co-author Jerome Joseph, published “Employee Voice Implications for Innovation in a Deliberative Environment Context of Indian Organizations” in Personnel Review 49.7 (2020): 1343–1361. Employee voice has a deliberative dimension which fosters a harmonious dialogue around workplace issues, which results in innovation.

Megan Adamson Sijapati, Professor and currently Chair, Department of Religious Studies, with Jacqueline H. Fewkes, edited Muslim Communities and Cultures of the Himalayas: Conceptualizing the Global Ummah (New York: Routledge, 2021). The Himalaya provide a site of both geographic and cultural crossroads, where Muslim community is simultaneously constituted at multiple social levels, and to that end, the essays in this book document a wide range of local, national, and global interests while maintaining a focus on individual perspectives, moments in time, and localized experiences. It presents research that contributes to a broadly conceived notion of the Himalaya that enriches readers’ understandings of both the region and concepts of Muslim community and highlights the interconnections between multiple experiences of Muslim community at local levels.

Sijapati published “Everyday Religiosity and Extraordinary Experiences: Nepali Muslim Narratives of Hajj” in Muslim Communities and Cultures of the Himalayas: Conceptualizing the Global Ummah, edited by Jacqueline H. Fewkes and Megan Adamson Sijapati (New York: Routledge, 2021). This chapter presents and analyzes first-person narratives of Nepali pilgrims from Kathmandu to Mecca, collected and translated by the author. These narratives illustrate both the mundane and the spiritual aspirations of these Hajj pilgrims’ experiences, particularly as they are Muslims living in a Hindu-majority culture and society. These pilgrim narratives reframe understandings of the Muslim collective in this context, allowing us to see it as based on faith and practice, as opposed to religio-political identity, even if nascent.

Sijapati, with co-author Jacqueline H. Fewkes, published “Diversity, Continuity, and Disjuncture: Approaching Multivocal Perspectives on Being Muslim in the Himalaya” in Muslim Communities and Cultures of the Himalayas: Conceptualizing the Global Ummah, edited by Jacqueline H. Fewkes and Megan Adamson Sijapati (New York: Routledge, 2021). This chapter considers shared vocabularies in order to interrogate categories of religious diversity and trace the interweaving of the global/local among diverse Muslim communities in the region. The chapter challenges limited concepts of the Himalayan region and peoples, and forefronts Muslim voices to recognize the Himalayas in terms of people more than physical terrain.

Carolyn Snively, Professor Emerita of Classics, published “The Southwest Cemetery Church at Golemo Gradište, Village of Konjuh” in PATRIMONIUM.MK 13.18 (2020): 231– 238. The article, in a journal number published in memory of an archaeologist who did extensive survey work at Konjuh in the 1970s, is a brief report on the excavation of a small, poorly preserved church in a cemetery area outside the fortified city at Golemo Gradište. The discovery of the church confirmed the local belief that a church had once stood on a knoll beside the ancient—and modern—road.

Brent Talbot, Associate Professor of Music and Coordinator of Music Education, Conservatory of Music, with co-author R. Mantie, published Education, Music, and the Lives of Undergraduates: Collegiate a Cappella and the Pursuit of Happiness (New York: Bloomsbury, 2020). This book is based on a nine-year study of collegiate a cappella—a socio-musical practice that has exploded on college campuses since the 1990s. Roger Mantie of the University of Toronto and I observed 24 collegiate a cappella groups at 14 campuses, and interviewed 63 informants both while they were involved at school and well into their post-collegiate careers. We took an ethnomusicological and sociological approach to our research, focusing on how collegiate a cappella participation sheds light on issues of gender, sexuality, diversity, class, musical agency, and lifelong musical participation. Mickey Rapkin, author of Pitch Perfect, wrote the foreword.

Baird Tipson, Adjunct Professor of Religious Studies, published Inward Baptism: The Theological Origins of Evangelicalism (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2020). This book describes how, from roughly the late fifteenth century to the mid-eighteenth, the importance of the sacramental priesthood declined in favor of direct individual experience of the divine.

Gina Velasco, Assistant Professor of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies, published Queering the Global Filipina Body: Contested Nationalisms in the Filipina/o Diaspora (Champaign: University of Illinois Press, 2020). Using a queer diasporic analysis, Velasco examines the politics of nationalism within Filipina/o American cultural production to consider an essential question: can a queer and feminist imagining of the diaspora reconcile with gendered tropes of the Philippine nation? Integrating a transnational feminist analysis of globalized gendered labor with a consideration of queer cultural politics, Velasco envisions forms of feminist and queer diasporic belonging, while simultaneously foregrounding nationalist movements as vital instruments of struggle.

Velasco published “Queer and Trans Necropolitics in the Afterlife of U.S. Empire” in Amerasia Journal 46.2 (2020): 238–252. This article examines popular responses to the 2016 massacre of Latinx (largely Puerto Rican) victims at the Pulse LGBT nightclub in Orlando, Florida, and the 2014 murder of Filipina trans woman Jennifer Laude by a white US Marine in Olongapo, Philippines, to argue that queer and trans necropolitics are intimately intertwined with the afterlife of empire in former US colonies/neocolonies of the Philippines and Puerto Rico. Ultimately, I contend that anti-imperialist politics must intersect with queer and trans social movements.

Kerry Wallach, Associate Professor of German Studies, published “The Jewish Vamp of Berlin: Actress Maria Orska, Typecasting, and Jewish Women” in Rethinking Jewishness in Weimar Film, edited by Barbara Hales and Valerie Weinstein (New York: Berghahn, 2020). In this essay, I argue that Maria Orska’s so-called exotic and bestial presence—and repeat roles resembling Lulu and Salome—represent a type that recalls the orientalized nineteenth-century “beautiful Jewess” figure, as well as the seductive, dark-haired vamp.

Wallach published “Digital German-Jewish Futures: Experiential Learning, Activism, and Entertainment” in The Future of the German Jewish Past: Memory and the Question of Antisemitism, edited by Gideon Reuveni and Diana Franklin (Purdue: Purdue University Press, 2020). This essay considers three ways in which the German-Jewish past has established possible futures for itself by becoming digital: experiential learning (e.g., digital history projects); social media activism; and entertainment (especially the first two seasons of the 2017 television series Babylon Berlin).

Commentaries, blog posts, and general-audience publications

Temma Berg, Professor Emerita of English, posted “Our Monuments, Our History” at The Cupola (October 2020). This commentary addresses the question of monuments and what to do with them. Siding with the “more history, not less” advocates, my brief essay demonstrates how a series of more recent Viennese monuments to a fifteenth-century pogrom contextualize an earlier, horrific memorial. New memorials can bear witness to people’s changing awareness of the significance and persistence of past atrocities.

Russell McCutcheon, Associate Professor of Music and Director of Bands, Conservatory of Music, published “Where’s the Triangle? Strategies for Managing Percussionists and Percussion Instruments—Part 3: Setting Up the Percussion Section” in Bandworld Magazine (December 23, 2020, online). The third in a three-part series, this article focuses on how to set up percussion instruments for maximum efficiency and success in rehearsal and performance. It includes a case study of a work for wind band requiring advanced percussion techniques which benefits from a non-traditional set up.

McCutcheon published “Where’s the Triangle? Strategies for Managing Percussionists and Percussion Instruments—Part 2: Determining Percussion Needs and Assigning Parts” in Bandworld Magazine (November 23, 2020, online). The second in a three-part series, this article leads conductors and music educators through the process of analyzing a score to determine percussion needs and best practices when assigning parts to student musicians.

McCutcheon published “Where’s the Triangle? Strategies for Managing Percussionists and Percussion Instruments—Part 1: Managing the Percussion Inventory” in Bandworld Magazine (October 23, 2020, online). The first in a three-part series, this article provides concrete solutions for organizing, storing, and managing the inventory of percussion instruments in the typical school music program.

Salma Monani, Associate Professor and currently Chair, Department of Environmental Studies, with co-author Nicole Seymour, posted “How Wendy Red Star Decolonizes the Museum with Humor and Play” at Edge Effects: A Digital Magazine for the Center of History, Culture and Environment (October 8, 2020, online). Museums have tended to relegate Indigenous peoples to the past through static, somber representations, but Indigenous artist Wendy Red Star speaks back to these practices through her lively, playful, and collaborative installations. Our essay offers an analysis of Red Star’s work that incorporates an original interview with her.


Emelio Betances, Professor of Sociology and Latin American Studies, reviewed Desigualdad y clases sociales, by Carlos Julio Báez Evertsz (Madrid: Betania, 2016), in Latin American Perspectives 224.46 (January 2019): 289–292. Titled “In Search of the Subject of Change,” this review of an author mostly unknown to the American sociological community considers the works of the most important authors who have written on the concepts of social classes and inequality in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.

Jack Ryan, Vice Provost, Dean of Arts and Humanities, Associate Professor of English, and currently Chair, Department of Art and Art History, posted the following book reviews at the site of the Sport Literature Association: Photography and Sport, by Mike O’Mahony (February 9, 2020); Red Card: How the U.S. Blew the Whistle on the World’s Biggest Sports Scandal, by Ken Bensinger (February 10, 2020); and Reclaiming 42: Public Memory and the Reframing of Robinson’s Radical Legacy, by David Naze (February 11, 2020). Writing in the academic journal Historical Social Research, Mike O’Mahony, Professor of History of Art and Visual Culture at the University of Bristol, observed, “Sport, as a cultural manifestation, might be regarded as primarily a visual experience. Yet, whilst the material legacy of sport’s visual culture provides an extensive and highly valuable resource for research, this has to date been largely untapped.” His Photography and Sport, an Exposures monograph, taps that resource. Bensinger, an investigative reporter for BuzzFeed, makes abundantly clear in Red Card that soccer has produced a staggering gallery of corrupt characters who would not feel out of place sharing espresso with members of the Gambino family, especially if they were meeting in Brighton Beach, Brooklyn, which New Yorkers call “Little Odessa.” Reclaiming 42 is a reminder that Jackie Robinson’s accomplishments should be reexamined.

Kerry Wallach, Associate Professor of German Studies, reviewed The Scholems: A Story of the German-Jewish Bourgeoisie from Emancipation to Destruction, by Jay Howard Geller (Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2019), in Central European History 54.1 (March 2021): 206–208. The first study of the whole Scholem family, this book focuses on two generations of Scholems to tell the story of modern German-Jewish history, including daily life; political, economic, and social developments; and careful attention to class, gender, and antisemitism.

Wallach reviewed Homes Away from Home: Jewish Belonging in Twentieth-Century Paris, Berlin, and St. Petersburg, by Sarah Wobick-Segev (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2018), in American Historical Review 125.5 (December 2020): 1962–1963. This book explores how Jewish relationships to the leisure and consumer sites of three major cities in Western, Central, and Eastern Europe evolved and changed in the late 19th and 20th centuries, persuasively arguing that access to numerous and welcoming spaces enabled Jewish belonging to thrive and that restricted access had the opposite effect.

Professional papers and presentations

Kathy Berenson, Associate Professor of Psychology, with alum co-author Stella Nicolaou ’19 and student co-authors Sydney Goldberg ’22 and Kaley Michael ’22, presented a paper titled “Tailoring Social Support Strategies to Individuals with Borderline Personality Features” at the Annual Conference of the North American Society for the Study of Personality Disorders (NASSPD), Pittsburgh, PA, April 16, 2021. In an experiment that replicated and extended Stella Nicolaou’s honors research, individuals high in borderline personality disorder pathology showed especially negative reactions to expressions of social support involving positive reframing of stressful experiences. This effect was significantly explained by their tendency to have problems associated with high levels of interpersonal dominance.

Berenson, with student co-authors Hope Rutter ’21 and Kaley Michael ’22, and alum co- authors Brittany Repak ’20, Cindy Campoverde ’20, and Thao Hoang ’20, presented a poster titled “#Bopo: The Effect of Body-Positive Social Media Content on Women’s Mood and Self-Compassion” at the Annual Convention of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies, Clinical Psychology at Liberal Arts Colleges Special Interest Group (CPLAC-SIG), Philadelphia, PA, November 20, 2020. Examining the benefits of exposure to social-media content promoting body acceptance relative to idealized body content and pleasant travel landscapes among young women with and without disordered eating symptoms, this poster presented two studies designed and conducted by students in Prof. Berenson’s Personality Lab at Gettysburg College. It also won the CPLAC-SIG poster award for best student-initiated research.

Alice Brawley Newlin, Assistant Professor of Management, was an invited member of a panel titled “Post-COVID19: Societies and Organizations in the New Global World of Work,” co-sponsored by the Alliance for Organizational Psychology and the International Affairs Committee, and held as part of the 36th Annual [Virtual] Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), April 15–17, 2021. On this panel, I discussed the realities and opportunities for supporting very small businesses’ recovery and success in a post-pandemic world.

Brawley Newlin was the invited host of a community of interest (COI) session titled “IO and the Gig Economy” at the 36th Annual [Virtual] Conference of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), April 15–17, 2021. In this session, I facilitated connections among researchers and practitioners interested in understanding how the nature of work has been altered by the growth of the gig economy (e.g., driving for Uber).

Brawley Newlin hosted and participated in a panel discussion titled “Catching Up to the Changing World of Work: Advice for Studying the Gig Economy” at the 36th Annual [Virtual] Conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), April 15–17, 2021. I shared about my experiences and suggestions for improving the ways that my field approaches the study of digital gig work. Discussion covered both theoretical questions and methodological concerns.

Brawley Newlin, with co-author Matthew P. Crayne, presented a poster titled “Driven to Succeed, or to Leave? The Variable Impact of Self-Leadership in Gig Work” at the 36th Annual [Virtual] Conference of the Society for Industrial Organizational Psychology (SIOP), April 15–17, 2021. In this paper, my co-author and I find that self-leadership (i.e., cognitions and behaviors to direct one’s work activities) predicts higher turnover and higher well-being among rideshare drivers. However, these outcomes differ under conditions of high financial stress and high job satisfaction.

Brawley Newlin presented a paper titled “Similarities (and Differences) in Rideshare Drivers’ and Crowdworkers’ Financial Dependence” at the 36th Annual [Virtual] Conference of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), April 15–17, 2021. In this paper, I find that survey-item wording has a strong effect on the observed percentage of “financially dependent” gig workers across two platform types (rideshare, and online crowdwork). Additional factors predicting this outcome differ between the two platforms.

Brawley Newlin, with faculty co-author Heather Odle-Dusseau, Professor and David M. LeVan Endowed Chair of Ethics and Management, presented a paper titled “Antecedents and Health Outcomes of Gig Workers’ Perceived Financial Insecurity” at the 36th Annual [Virtual] Conference meeting of the Society of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), April 15–17, 2021. Among rideshare drivers, we find that perceived financial stress relates to worsened work-family balance, general health, and sleep disturbance. Furthermore, rideshare drivers who are male, older, single, parents, and have lower annual income are more likely to report being financially stressed.

Alvaro Kaempfer, Professor and currently Chair, Department of Spanish, delivered a presentation titled “Press, Liberal Economics and Conservative Politics in Zorobabel Rodríguez” at the Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association, April 8–11, 2021. Zorobabel Rodríguez was not only one of the foundational figures of the academic political economy in Chile, but also a major figure in the transformation of conservatism from late XIX century into the XX century.

Russell McCutcheon, Associate Professor of Music and Director of Bands, Conservatory of Music, with alum colleague Keith Gromis ’14, presented a session titled “Effective Websites Make Communication Easier: How to Get Your Program Online” at the Virtual Summer Conference of the Pennsylvania Music Education Association (PMEA), July 23, 2020. The session highlighted ways for music educators to best communicate with students, parents, the school community, and the community at large through open websites and secure online resources; and discussed practical methods of creating online resources, including design and implementation.

Jack Ryan, Vice Provost, Dean of Arts and Humanities, Associate Professor of English, and currently Chair, Department of Art and Art History, gave a talk titled “A Bob Dylan Story: Martin Scorsese Adapts the Past” at the Online Conference of the Literature/Film Association, November 6, 2020. In Rolling Thunder Revue: A Bob Dylan Story by Martin Scorsese, Scorsese incorporates crafty maneuvers, suspect performances, and stunningly remastered concert footage to create another narrative representation of Dylan. Scorsese presents the mercurial Dylan as an American creative persona rather than a public figure with an accessible history, which complicates the ever-evolving creation that is Bob Dylan.

Professional distinctions and awards

Nathifa Greene, Assistant Professor of Philosophy, was awarded a Weeksville Heritage Center Freedom Fellowship. The Freedom Fellowship at Weeksville Heritage Center brings together community members to explore genealogy, oral history, archival practice, and collaborative performance through a series of public trainings and creative activations inspired by the founding and radical roots of the Weeksville neighborhood in Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY. The 2021 Freedom Fellows cohort are interested in creative exploration and public scholarship rooted in activism, cultural organizing, and making creative work that demonstrates critical exploration and deep love for Black culture and legacies of Black liberation that actively engage individuals, families, and the community that is being created through this fellowship.

Jack Ryan, Vice Provost, Dean of Arts and Humanities, Associate Professor of English, and currently Chair, Department of Art and Art History, was appointed in November 2020 to a one-year term, with the possibility of renewal, on the Literature/Film Association board of directors.

Professional or creative activity

Anne S. Douds, Assistant Professor and currently Co-chair, Public Policy Program, with student co-authors Logan Grubb ’21 and Jared Michaels ’22, wrote “Best Practices among Certain Classes of Pennsylvania Destination Marketing Organizations (DMOs)” (January 22, 2021). This white paper studies 12 destination marketing organizations (DMOs) in Pennsylvania, examining their best practices with respect to “pillow tax” revenue, other revenue, grant-making, boards of directors, and budget transparency. The paper is a product of the Gettysburg College Public Policy Program.

Russell McCutcheon, Associate Professor of Music and Director of Bands, Conservatory of Music, conducted the Sunderman Conservatory Wind Symphony’s recording of The Music of Brian Balmages, Vol. 1 (Mark Masters 54617-MCD, 2020). Brian Balmages is an award-winning composer whose music has been performed throughout the world, with commissions ranging from elementary schools to professional orchestras. This recording features eight Balmages works for wind band. Trumpet soloist Steven Marx joins McCutcheon and the Wind Symphony for the recording premiere of the beautiful Trust in Angels. The ensemble moves through contemporary styles in Metal, Industrial Loops, and Primal Dances; honors protestors and revolutionaries old and new in Within the Castle Walls (Songs of Welsh Revolution) and Shrine of the Fallen (Kiev, 2014); and showcases Balmages’s compositional lyricism and creativity in Rippling Watercolors and Spontaneous Beings.

Susan Russell, John Adams Endowed Professor of Theatre Arts and currently Chair, Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, saw her play, Twin Hearts, produced by the Gettysburg Community Theatre, Gettysburg, PA, October 4, 2019. The play explores the childhood of Anne Sullivan, her struggles with poverty, blindness, and discrimination even after she became the most famous teacher in the world, and the extraordinary work she undertook with Helen Keller as Keller moved through childhood to young adulthood, preparing for college. It is a coming-of-age story for both women, because neither would have accomplished their feats of genius without the other, and it is also the story of a mother, Kate Keller, who had to let her daughter go for her to soar.

Grant awards

Josef Brandauer, Associate Professor of Health Sciences and currently Director, Johnson Center for Creative Teaching and Learning; Kurt Andresen, Professor of Physics; Alex Trillo, Assistant Professor of Biology; Kathy Berenson, Associate Professor of Psychology; and Darren Glass, Associate Provost for Academic Assessment, Dean of Natural Sciences, Mathematics and Computer Science, and Professor of Mathematics

  • Johnson Center for Creative Teaching and Learning, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, “Inclusive Excellence 3 Learning Community” ($30,000)

Shelli Frey, Professor and currently Chair, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology; and Kate Buettner, Assistant Professor of Chemistry

  • The Procter & Gamble Company, “Evolving our Biochemistry and Chemistry Curricula: Increasing Experiential Learning and Interdisciplinary Thinking” ($15,000)

Shelli Frey

  • The Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation, Inc., Jean Dreyfus Lectureship for Undergraduate Institutions ($18,500)

Tim Funk, Associate Professor and currently Chair, Department of Chemistry

  • Pittsburgh Conference Memorial National College Grant, “Nicolet Summit FT-IR Spectrometer with Diamond Attenuated Total Reflectance Accessory” ($10,000)

Natasha Gownaris, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies

  • Code for Science and Society, for organizing and hosting virtual event, “Culturally Relevant Data Science” ($19,870.09)

Jackie Milingo, Associate Professor and currently Sahm Chair, Department of Physics

  • Pennsylvania Space Grant, NASA Pennsylvania Space Grant Consortium ($24,000)

Hakim Williams, Associate Professor of Africana Studies and Education and currently Chair, Peace and Justice Studies

  • Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program, “Decolonial Peace and Justice Education: A Transatlantic Study of Four Afro-Centric, Youth-Based Organizations”

  • The Spencer Foundation, “Decolonial Peace and Justice Education: A Transatlantic Study of Four Afro-Centric Youth-based Organizations” ($50,000)