Environmental Studies Major, Bachelor of Science
Check Sheet
Fourteen courses are required for the ES, BS.
Six Environmental Studies Core Courses
- ES 196 Environmental Science and Society
- ES 211 Principles of Ecology
- ES 223 Earth System Science
- ES 225 Environmental Humanities
- ES 230 Intro to Geographic Information Systems
- ES 400 Seminar or ES 460
Mathematics and Statistics Course
- One from the following: MATH 106, 107, 111, 112, BIO 260, ECON 241, HS 232, POL 215, or Psych 205.
Those who have already satisfied the math and Statistics requirement are recommended to take additional math or computer science courses, such as CS 111, DS 256, Math 211, or MATH 212
Four Natural Sciences Courses
- Two science sequence courses in two different natural science disciplines.
- Choose from: BIO 111 & BIO 112 (Biology Division), and/ or CHEM 107 & 108 (Chemistry Division), and/or PHY 103 & 104 or PHY 109 & 110 (Physics Division)
Three ES Elective Courses
- Three 200 or 300 level ES electives
- Students must complete an area of concentration through their choice of electives.
Consult the Environmental Studies programs webpage for a list of possible areas of concentration and discuss goals with ES faculty advisor. - With permission of the ES advisor, two of the electives may be taken off-campus or in another department.
A list of Sample Courses from other Departments is available on the Environmental Studies programs webpage. - Student may petition the ES department to count a 100-level ES or FYS course as one of the three required electives if it is the first ES course taken.
- ES 121 Environmental Issues cannot count toward the ES major or minor.
- Link to Environmental Studies programs webpage: https://www.gettysburg.edu/academic-programs/environmental-studies/programs/major-minor
- Double Majors in ES BS and Physics can take the combination of PHY 111 & 112 for Physics Division of the Natural Sciences Courses. Physics double majors must also take PHY 211 to complete the introductory sequence.