Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Major, BS
Check Sheet
Eighteen courses are required for the BMB major, Bachelor of Science.
Twelve Core Courses
- BIO 111 Introduction to Ecology and Evolution
- BIO 112 Form and Function of Living Organisms
- BIO 211 Genetics
- BIO 212 Cell Biology
- BIO 351 Molecular Genetics
- CHEM 107 Chemical Structure and Bonding
- CHEM 108 Chemical Reactivity
- CHEM 203 Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 204 Organic Chemistry
- CHEM 305 Physical Chemistry or CHEM 307 Biophysical Chemistry
- CHEM 333 Biochemistry I
- BIO/ CHEM 334 Biochemistry II
Four Cognate CoursesĀ
- PHY 109 Introductory Physics I
- PHY 110 Introductory Physics II
- MATH 111 Calculus I (or exemption)
- MATH 112 Calculus II
Two Major Electives
- At least one course must be at the 300-level and at least one must contain a laboratory component.
- Select two courses from the following: BIO 214, 251, 315, 320, 332, 335, 359, CHEM 246, 320, 353, 358, 359, 375, PHY 246
- Only one course may be a research course from BIO 460, 461, CHEM 460, 461, 465, or 410 (with BMBC approval)
These Individualized Study research projects may be directed by any BMB faculty affiliate. Otherwise, the project requires the approval of the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Committee (BMBC)
Capstone Experience
- BIO 320, 334, 335, 351, 460, 461, CHEM 334, 410, 460, 461and 465 have components that fulfill the Capstone Experience for the BMB major (an additional course is not required).
A capstone research project frequently results in presentations at scientific conferences or peer-reviewed publications co-authored by students and professors.