Writing Minor
Check Sheet
Six courses are required for the writing minor.
Core Course
- ENG 205: Introduction to Creative Writing
ENG 205 is the pre-requisite for all 300-level advanced writing courses.
Writing Courses at the 300-level
- Three 300-level advanced writing courses
May include ENG 405
Literature and Elective Courses
- One 200-level literature course
- One elective course
Elective may be a 100-level writing or literature course, (ENG 111-113, CLA 103, or designated FYS in literature or writing), a 200 or 300-level writing course, a 200 or 300-level literature course, or an academic year Internship or Individualized Study.
- AP and IB credits do not count for the minor.
- All courses for minor credit must be taken for a grade (not S/U).
- Study abroad limit: Two courses (preferably one 200-level and one 300-level writing course, or one literature and one writing course) from a semester-abroad program may count toward the minor. Courses must be taught in English.