Middle East and Islamic Studies Minor
Check Sheet
Six courses and Arabic 102 proficiency are required.
Language Proficiency Requirement
- Proficiency at the 102 level in Arabic is required or another approved language
Six elective MEIS courses
- 6 courses from the following: ARB 201, 202, 301, 302, ANTH 218, 248, 304, CIMS 284, HIST 208, 278, 330, 379, 380, 429, IDS 238, 252, 274, 278, 279, 280, 282, ITAL 240, POL 203 Topic: Islam and International Relations, POL 304, 370, REL 214, 238, 270, 271, 272, 358, and 362.
- No more than four language courses.
- No more than two courses from the student’s major field of study.
- No more than two courses from off-campus study.
- No more than two 100-level course are acceptable to fulfill the requirements for the minor
Revised 6/2023