Studying abroad/off-campus during the fall semester
Students studying abroad/off-campus during the Fall 2024 semester will receive a lottery number along with the rest of the student population in April. This number will be used to assign housing for the Spring 2025 Semester. Please note that students who no longer plan to study abroad during the Fall 2024 semester must communicate to the Center for Global Education (CGE) no later than 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, April 18 so they can be included in the online housing selection process that will occur on Sunday, April 21.
Spring 2025 Housing
- Living off-campus
If you plan to study abroad/off-campus during the Fall 2024 Semester and wish to reside in an off-campus apartment upon returning in the spring, you MUST participate in the Off-Campus Living approval process that occurs in February of the Spring 2024 Semester. - Greek Housing
If you are a member of a Greek fraternity you will need to check the residency requirements of your fraternity before seeking any other housing option. - Disability Accommodations for Housing
The Office of Residential Education (Res Ed) will work to accommodate students returning from abroad/off-campus for the spring semester who are approved for disability accommodations. However, depending on the housing available, all student preferences may not be able to be met when finding appropriate accommodations. - College Houses
If you are interested in living in a college house upon your return for the Spring 2025 semester, please make sure you participate in the College House application process in March 2024. If you have questions about a specific college house, please feel free to contact the appropriate College House leader for assistance. - Spring Housing Preference Form and Placements for Spring 2025
All students returning from studying abroad/off-campus will be asked to complete a "Spring Housing Preference Form." These forms will be emailed to students in October 2024 and will be due to Res Ed by Monday, October 28. The Office of Residential Education (Res Ed) will not finalize housing assignments until the week of January 13, 2025. Once assignments are finalized, students will be emailed at which time they can view their spring housing assignment via MyHousing in CNAV. Please note the following important items:
- Before completing the preference form, please review the Housing Rates and Dining Plan pages to ensure you are aware of those costs and requirements.
- It is unlikely that singles will be available for the Spring 2025. Available singles, if any, will be prioritized for students with approved disability housing accommodations for a single.
- The Res Ed Office will work diligently to house students with approved disability housing accommodations. However, based on available vacancies, it is not unusual for students to be put on a waiting list for housing that meets their accommodations.
- Fully open apartments are very rare, please be mindful of that when making your preference.
- Students returning from studying abroad/off-campus will initially be billed "Plan 2 - Apartment Rate" for the spring semester in November. Once housing assignments are finalized, billing will be adjusted if applicable.
- OPTION 1: You are aware of a vacancy in a room or apartment on campus, and would like to request that room or apartment for the spring semester.
- To make the request, a remaining resident from the Fall semester is required to still be living in that space. You are unable to request a fully empty room or apartment. The remaining resident(s) will need to confirm the new roommate(s) for the spring semester.
- If you are requesting as a group, each member of the group is required to complete the preference form and list each other as roommates.
- If you know of a vacancy in a room or apartment, please list that specific room or apartment on the request form to ensure a smooth process.
- Requests made after October 28th will be placed in Lottery Number order.
- Students who do not have a specific room or apartment should complete the Spring Preference form and rank order their options.
- Please list roommate requests if you have them. Each roommate is required to complete the form.
- Your request will be ranked in Lottery Number order and will be reviewed after the October 28th deadline.
- Remember, fully open apartments are very rare, please be mindful of that when making your preference.
- Spring 2025 Arrival
- Students will not be permitted to arrive on campus for the Spring 2025 semester prior to 9:00 a.m. on Saturday, January 18. However, if you are part of an organization that requires your arrival before this time, you will be on a roster for early arrival. Please check with your respective organization, coach or Faculty/Administrative Leader to make sure you are on this roster.
- Keys can be picked up in the Office of Residential Education (CUB 250) on both Saturday, January 18 and Sunday, January 19 (exact times are to be determined). Keys may also be picked up during regular business hours beginning at 8:30 a.m. on Monday, January 20.
- Meal plans begin on Saturday, January 18.
- Classes begin on Monday, January 20.
- Please see the College Calendar for other important dates for the Spring Semester.
Hours for the Office of Residential Education (Res Ed) during winter break (subject to change):
December 16-20 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.* December 21-January 1 CLOSED January 2-3 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.* January 4-5 CLOSED January 6-10 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.* January 11-12 CLOSED January 13-17 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.* January 18 9:00 a.m. - TBD January 19 TBD