Jim Duffy, Associate Dean of College Life, informs the campus community about upcoming COVID-19 testing on Saturday, February 13, 2021.
Good Afternoon,
This Saturday, the college will administer COVID 19 tests to residential cohort students between the hours of 8AM and 8PM at Plank Gym. Unless you have an exemption to twice-weekly testing from Gettysburg College Health Services, you must report for your scheduled test tomorrow. This weekend’s testing is part of the College’s twice-weekly testing program which will continue throughout the entire semester. As a reminder, all students in the residential cohort will test on Tuesday or Wednesday and again on Saturday each week.
You should have received an email on Thursday, February 11 to schedule your test for Saturday, February 13. If, for any reason, you did not receive an email to schedule your test for Saturday or are not currently scheduled, please notify us at residencelife@gettysburg.edu and go to Plank Gym between the hours of 8 AM and 8 PM to test. Please be sure to schedule your test today.
In declaring your intent to join the residential cohort, you agreed to adhere to the rules and rubric including twice-weekly testing. Students missing a test will receive a warning and, given the health/safety concerns of missing a test, students may be assigned to short-term quarantine until a negative test result is received.
I cannot emphasize how important it is for you to report to the testing center at your scheduled time tomorrow (Sat.). If you miss your appointment time, please report immediately to the Testing Center before 8pm tomorrow and take your test.
Jim Duffy
Associate Dean of College Life