Jennifer Lucas, Executive Director of Human Resources, reminds faculty and staff about regular COVID-19 testing.
Dear Faculty and Staff,
We are now a month into our faculty and staff COVID-19 testing program. I am writing to provide a few reminders as we continue the program through the remainder of the spring semester.
Faculty and staff who are teaching and/or working on campus, even on a limited or rotational basis, must be tested on a regular basis. This includes faculty and staff who are visiting their office or work area on a limited basis. Faculty and staff who work in areas identified as high-traffic, resulting in possible increased exposure, must be tested two times per month (the first and third weeks of each month). Faculty and staff who work in areas identified as non-high-traffic will be tested one time per month (the second week of each month).
Invitations to register for your test will be sent from Mobile Health the Friday before your week to test. Please watch for these emails and schedule your test as soon as possible. You are responsible to ensure you are tested during the week to which you are assigned. If you are not prompted or have difficulty making an appointment, email as soon as possible. If you miss your test, you are not permitted to return to campus until you complete your test in Plank Gym. If you are unable to perform your job responsibilities while remaining off campus due to a missed test, you must notify your supervisor immediately.
As a gentle reminder, if a faculty or staff member comes into close contact with a positive case or tests positive outside of our campus testing process, they must inform the Human Resources Office as soon as possible. If you have concerns or questions related to this program, please contact Human Resources.
Thank you for doing your part to keep our community safe!
Jennifer Lucas, SPHR, SHRM-SCP
Executive Director of Human Resources