Jeff Foster, Interim VP for College Life and Dean of Students, reminds students to continue following health and safety protocols until the end of the spring semester.
Dear Students,
As we approach the final week of classes for the Spring 2021 semester, I first want to thank you for the hard work and dedication you have shown to comply with our COVID-19 protocols over the last 3 months. I know it hasn’t been easy, but your commitment to masking, distancing, limiting gatherings, and regular testing has been critical in supporting our health and safety goals this semester.
We do have a full week of classes and a busy Finals Week ahead of us. Our seniors are very much looking forward to our in-person Commencement on May 17. The coming weeks will include important traditions, milestones, and celebrations that I know many of you are very much looking forward to enjoying with your friends, members of the faculty, and other members of the community.
I want to remind everyone how important it is to remain committed to our COVID-19 rules as we move through these last weeks of the semester. Our ability to hold these in-person events is contingent on our overall COVID conditions remaining stable and our COVID case numbers remaining low.
I know that members of our community will want to gather and say farewell to one another during these closing weeks and, of course, we want you to be able to do that safely. With just a couple of weeks to go, I want to point out that testing positive for COVID, which requires an isolation period; or, being identified as a direct contact of a positive case, which requires a quarantine period, could significantly, and unfortunately, interfere with your end-of-semester plans. Please be sure to adhere to masking, distancing, and gathering rules so that we can all enjoy the final few weeks of the spring semester together and in person.
Best wishes as we conclude the semester.
Jeff Foster, D.Ed.
Interim VP for College Life and Dean of Students