Web content, design, and accessibility resources

We advance accessibility, user experience, and search engine optimization for the Gettysburg College website.

On this page:

Getting help

Send a request to the digital team and let us know how we can help. If our team has any questions related to your request, we'll reach out via email. Please note: our capacity is currently impacted by staffing changes on the team. It may take an extra day or two to fulfill your request. Use of this online form to reach us will help us assist you more efficiently than submission via email.

If the form below doesn't load properly, please visit our request platform directly to share your request with us.

Staying informed

Stay up-to-date on training sessions and helpful resources by subscribing to our mailing list or joining our Slack community.

  1. dotCMS Liaisons email list: submit a request through the online form above to be notified of training opportunities, dotCMS announcements, or accessibility information. This is a low-volume mailing list.
  2. Join our Slack group: visit the Gettysburg College HQ signup page on Slack and join with your @gettysburg.edu email address. Slack is group chat for work, and has good threading and search features for following conversations and finding answers to common questions.

Web and accessibility topics

Content Management System (dotCMS)
Training information for the College’s content management system, dotCMS. Training sessions are held regularly and can be requested for individuals who have a pressing need to work in the CMS.
Digital accessibility
Ensure that your web pages and documents are accessible to users of screen readers and other assistive technologies. Get training editing HTML pages in dotCMS, creating structured documents in Microsoft Word, measuring the impact of accessibility issues, and learning the SEO benefits of good accessibility.
Web code snippets
Code snippets enable campus partners to use web information display patterns that are consistent and reliable across the Gettysburg College website.
Google Analytics and Tag Manager
How to install Google Analytics, request access to the digital dashboard, and get analytics training and help.
Gettysburg.edu Style Guide
Learn about the typographic and functional elements available as part of the Gettysburg.edu web platform. The style guide covers webfonts, available structural elements (headings, tables, forms, and buttons), and information on the brand color palette.
Campus Web Policy
Policy, procedures, and regulations governing the use and growth of the College website.

Training sessions

Training sessions are open to the entire community.

View sessions and register

Topics aim to help staff whose responsibilities include web publishing. However, all employees, faculty, and students are welcome to attend. Sessions are adjusted (where possible) to accommodate the attendees.

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