New HHMI grant

December 14, 2022

Dear Colleagues,

We write to share the good news that Gettysburg College has been awarded a grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute aimed at increasing inclusivity in teaching and learning in the STEM fields. This funding is part of HHMI’s Inclusive Excellence 3 (IE3) initiative. We will be making an external announcement this week.

The award will bring approximately half a million dollars to Gettysburg over six years to advance inclusive pedagogical practices. In addition, it will strengthen the way faculty are evaluated in their teaching through enhanced policies and practices, such as incentivizing inclusivity and increasing its relevance to promotion and tenure.

We would like to extend our deepest thanks to the College’s IE3 leadership team for their efforts in securing this grant: Josef Brandauer (Program Director; Health Sciences, Johnson Center for Creative Teaching and Learning), Kurt Andresen (Physics), Kathy Berenson (Psychology), Darren Glass (Mathematics, Provost’s Office), Dawn Helsing Wolters (College Grants), and Alex Trillo (Biology).

We are excited to continue this important work that so many of you are already prioritizing.

The IE3 leadership team will share details as they become available. In the meantime, please join us in congratulating our colleagues on this wonderful achievement. Our entire community will most certainly benefit from this important grant.


Bob and Chris