Department resources
- Choosing the Right Math Course: Guidelines for First-Year Students
- Process for Completing the Capstone Thesis
- Math Technology Tutorials
- Research Opportunities
- Career Options
- Department Honors and Awards
Other resources
- Donna Brogan Center for Quantitative Learning: located on the ground floor of Glatfelter in room 012, the center operates 24 hours a day and offers spaces for workshops or review sessions.
- Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REUs) at Gettysburg and other colleges
- Pi Mu Epsilon is a mathematics honor society "dedicated to the promotion of mathematics and recognition of students who successfully pursue mathematical understanding". To qualify for membership, a student must meet the following criteria: a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or greater, a Mathematics GPA of 3.33 or greater, and completion of both Math 215: Abstract Mathematics I and at least one other 200- or 300-level math course.
- Mathematics on the Web
- Conferences in Mathematics
- Student Competitions
- Internships
- Opportunities for Women in Mathematics
- Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Mathematics
- Summer Mathematics Program for Women Undergraduates at Carleton College is for female students who are finishing their first or second year of undergraduate work. Its application deadline is typically at the end of February.
- Summer Program for Women in Mathematics at George Washington University is for female mathematics students who are finishing their third year of undergraduate work. Its application deadline is typically around March 1.