Fall honors day awards

Fall Honors 2022 Award Recipients

Baum Mathematical Prize
Created by Dr. Charles Baum, Class of 1874, this prize is given to the student showing the greatest proficiency in mathematics through his or her sophomore year.

Akiko Kobayashi Bowers Japanese Language Award
Presented to the student who has completed at least two years of Japanese language study at Gettysburg College and has achieved the highest level of proficiency as determined by grades and overall language proficiency in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

Anna Marie Buddé Award
Established by Anna Marie Buddé, instructor and assistant professor of voice from 1953 to 1972, this award is given to the outstanding sophomore voice student.

Romeo M. Capozzi Athletic Training Room Award
Created by Rose Ann Capozzi in memory of her late husband, Romeo M. Capozzi, class of 1921, to be given to the student who has demonstrated the greatest degree of proficiency in athletic training room techniques.

Oscar W. Carlson Memorial Award
Created by the family of Oscar W. Carlson, Class of 1921, is given to a senior who demonstrates excellent academic achievement through his or her junior year in three or more courses in the Department of Religious Studies, including two courses above the 100-level. 

Miguel de Cervantes Award In Spanish
This award is presented to a junior Spanish major or minor for academic excellence in Spanish and outstanding involvement in Hispanic activities.

Chinese Language Award
Presented to the student who has completed at least two years of Chinese language study at Gettysburg College and has achieved the highest level of proficiency as determined by grades and overall language proficiency in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking.

G. Ronald Couchman Endowed Diversity Award
Established by G. Ronald Couchman, this award is presented annually to three students whose actions best celebrate diversity at the College and the integration of that diversity within the campus community. Diversity will be defined as diversity in race or ethnicity, intercultural diversity and diversity in sexual orientation. Students will have demonstrated their support of diversity through their character, leadership, volunteerism and participation in student activities.

Delta Phi Alpha Prize
A book on German culture is awarded to an outstanding student junior and senior for the year in German Studies. 

Malcolm R. Dougherty Mathematical Award
Established by the Columbian Cutlery Company in Reading, Pennsylvania, in memory of Malcolm R. Dougherty, Class of 1942, this prize is to be given to the student who had the highest grade average in mathematics during his or her first year of college.

Margaret E. Fisher Memorial Scholarship Award
Created by Dr. Nelson F. Fisher class of 1918 in memory of his mother, to be awarded to a male student who excels in one or more varsity sports and who achieves the highest academic grade average among winners of varsity letters.

Samuel Garver Greek Prize
Contributed by the Rev. Austin S. Garver, Class of 1869, in memory of his father, this prize is awarded to the student who has made the greatest progress in Greek during the first year of college.

Samuel Garver Latin Prize
Contributed by the Rev. Austin S. Garver, in memory of his father, this prize is awarded to the student who has made the greatest progress in Latin during the first year of college.

Gettysburg College Award In Athletics
Awarded to a female student who excels in one or more varsity sports and who achieves the highest academic average among winners of varsity letters.

David H. Greenlaw Memorial Prize
Contributed by Mr. & Mrs. Ralph W. Greenlaw in memory of their son, David H. Greenlaw, Class of 1966, this prize is awarded to the student who has offered exceptional contributions to the College’s theatre program. 

Edwin T. Greninger Award In History
This award, contributed by Edwin T. Greninger, Class of 1941, is presented to a student selected by the History Department on the basis of the quality of the student’s paper written for any of the courses in the Department.

John Alfred Hamme Awards
Two awards, established by John Alfred Hamme class of 1918, to be given to the two juniors who have demonstrated in the highest degree the qualities of loyalty, kindness, courtesy, true democracy, and leadership.

Dr. Carl Arnold Hanson, President Emeritus, Leadership Award
Created by his wife, Anne Keet Hanson, friends and alumni, in honor of Dr. Carl Arnold Hanson, President of Gettysburg College from 1961 to 1977. Awarded to a student who has achieved at least a 3.0 average in his or her major through the middle of the junior year and has demonstrated significant leadership abilities in one or more areas of college life.

Harry C. And Catherine Noffsinger Hartzell Award
Contributed by James Hamilton Hartzell, Class of 1924, in memory of his parents, this award is given to the outstanding junior in the Department of Anthropology and to the outstanding junior in the Department of Sociology. 

James Boyd Hartzell Memorial Award
An award, contributed by James Hamilton Hartzell, Class of 1924, and his wife, Lucretia Irvine Boyd Hartzell, is presented to a junior majoring in Economics and to a junior majoring in Management for outstanding scholarship and promise in these fields.

James Hamilton And Lucretia Irvine Boyd Hartzell Award
Created by James Hamilton Hartzell 1924 and his wife, to be awarded to a sophomore student for outstanding scholarship and promise in the field of history.

Mildred H. Hartzell Prize
Created by Louise B. Hartzell, in memory of her sister, Mildred H. Hartzell class of 1926, to be awarded to a student who shows high quality in more than scholarship; preference is given to a member of Alpha Phi Omega, the national service fraternity, or other organizations that may reflect similar quality and ideals.

Hassler Latin Prize
Established by Charles W. Hassler, this award is presented to the best Latin student in the junior class.

John  A. Hauser Meritorious Prize In Business
Given by the family of John A. Hauser, this recognition goes to an outstanding Management major who has achieved excellence in both academic studies and campus leadership while demonstrating good character and concern for high moral standards.

Grace C. Kenney Award
Contributed by Grace C. Kenney, an educator for 39 years at Gettysburg College, this award is given to a junior or senior selected by the staff of the Health Sciences Department. Preference is given to a student who has participated in studies in Health Sciences and has demonstrated the highest academic accomplishments and leadership skills.

Rev. George N. Lauffer (1899) And M. Naomi Lauffer (1898) Scholarship Award
Given each year to a junior who has maintained high scholarship and who evidences outstanding ability and character. It is understood that the recipient will complete the senior year at Gettysburg College.

J. Andrew Marsh Memorial Awards
Awarded each year to the sophomore and junior students of Gettysburg College who best exemplify the “whole person” concept through positive attitude, exceptional spirit, high standards, and notable achievement, both curricular and extracurricular.

Dr. George R. Miller And Dr. Richard T. Mara First Year Student Prize In Physics
Contributed by alumni and friends of the College in memory of George R. Miller, Class of 1919, and Richard T. Mara, Class of 1946, this prize is awarded to a sophomore for outstanding performance in physics as a first-year student.

Toni Morrison-Wole Soyinka Africana Studies Essay Award
This award is presented to the student writing the best essay in Africana Studies.

Muhlenberg First Year Student Prize
Given by Dr. Frederick A. Muhlenberg, Class of 1836, this prize is awarded to the student taking Greek or Latin who attains the highest general quality point average as a first-year student.

J. Rogers Musselman Award
An award, established by Peter R. Musselman in memory of his father, is presented to a student majoring in mathematics who is proficient in the study of mathematics during his or her third year of enrollment.

William F. Muhlenberg Award
Awarded to two juniors on the basis of character, scholarship, and proficiency in campus activities.

Dr. John W. Ostrom Composition Awards
Established by Dr. John W. Ostrom, Class of 1926, this recognition is awarded to the student who demonstrates the greatest overall improvement in first-year writing and to the student who demonstrates consistent excellence in English 101 and 205.

Dr. John W. Ostrom English Award
Established by Dr. John W. Ostrom, this recognition is awarded to the student who has written the best expository essay for an upper level English course.

Anthony Di Palma Memorial Award
Established by the family of Anthony di Palma class of 1956, to be awarded to the junior having the highest marks in history. Other things being equal, preference is given to a member of Sigma Chi fraternity.

Keith Pappas Memorial Award
Given as a memorial to Keith Pappas, class of 1974, an honors graduate who made an extraordinary contribution to the life of this College and its people. Awarded to a current student who most significantly affects the College community through the quality of his or her participation in its functions and whose divergent contributions give form to what is called Gettysburg College.

Psi Chi Junior Award
This award is given to a Psychology major who has displayed outstanding potential and initiative throughout his or her junior year.

The Dwight D. Eisenhower Society ROTC Leadership Award
The Dwight D. Eisenhower Society presents this award to honor an outstanding ROTC student at Gettysburg College who possesses the leadership qualities demonstrated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower as both President of the United States and as Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Europe. This student demonstrates not only exemplary leadership skills but is also dedicated to academic achievement, demonstrates high levels of personal integrity and character, and demonstrates a commitment to service.

Martha Ellen Sachs Prize
An award, established by John E. Haas in memory of his aunt, who was a lecturer at the College, is presented to a student exhibiting excellence in English composition, with consideration given to improvement made during the year.

Captain Michael D. Scotton Award
Established by David and Sally Scotton, parents of Michael D. Scotton, class of 1982, this award recognizes a junior who demonstrates a high degree of extracurricular activity and diligence in his or her academic work. The recipient is selected in consultation with the Head Coaches of Women's and Men's Cross Country, Women's and Men's Track, and the Athletic Director.

Senior Scholarship Prize
Established by the Class of 1996 and Mr. Robert Stockberger, Class of 1933, this award is presented annually to two juniors advancing to their senior year who best exemplify Gettysburg College through academics and service to the campus community. (The students are given the award during the fall of their senior year.) In addition, the Senior Scholarship Prize fund shall be augmented with future senior class gifts.

Earl Kresge Stock Writing Prizes
Established by Earl Kresge Stock, Class of 1919, this award is presented to the students who wrote the classroom papers judged best in the areas of the humanities and the sciences.

Silent Leader Award
Given in memory of Emily Silverstein class of 2011, a passionate member of the campus community and a fervent advocate for peace, the silent Leader Award is presented annually to a student who demonstrates exceptional and sustained dedication to enacting change through service.

Student Life Committee Award
A certificate is awarded to a student in recognition of the quiet influence he or she has exerted for the improvement of the campus community.

Tarek  A. Tannous Memorial Award
Established by Jana W. Jackle, Class of 1997, in memory of Tarek A. Tannous, a member of the Class of 1996, this award is presented to a student whose insight into global issues, interest in human nature, or passion for philosophical discourse is an inspiration to others.

Samuel P. Weaver Scholarship Prizes
Established by Samuel P. Weaver class of 1904, to be awarded to the two students writing the best essays on an assigned topic in the field of constitutional law and government.

The Dean Frank B. Williams Memorial Prize
Established by Suzanne H. Williams, Class of 1962, and friends in honor of her husband, Frank B. Williams, who was Dean of Students at Gettysburg College from 1965 to 1992 is presented to a junior or senior who exhibits exceptional leadership in student affairs, strength of character, integrity, and compassion to other students and who has made positive contributions to the College and / or the Gettysburg community.

Earl E. Ziegler Junior Mathematics Award
Contributed by Phi Delta Theta Alumni, this award is given in honor of Earl E. Ziegler, Associate Professor of Mathematics at Gettysburg College from 1935-1968, to the mathematics major who has the highest average in mathematics through the junior year.