Recent Graduate Profiles

AllergraAllegra K. Horstmann '18

Do you have a favorite moment in a Religious Studies course here at Gettysburg?
My favorite moment was calling my mother after my first class with Prof. Sijapati and telling her how excited I was and her answer was, “Go for it Allegra, do what you love”. When some parents might have pushed their children to do a more popular major, mine wanted me to succeed in school, which entailed studying what I love.

What do you like most about Religious Studies?
What I like most about my Religious Studies major is the class atmosphere. The questions can be difficult to answer but I enjoy being able to think critically and coming up with a response that requires backing it up and not focusing on the correct answer but a personal take on the subject.

What brought you to the Religious Studies major?
What brought me to becoming a Religious Studies major was when I took Prof. Sijapati’s Introduction to Religion Class. I was blown away at how much more interested and engaged I was in her class than all my others. The content and how she structured her discussion based class caught my interest. I have also always been very connected to Judaism since I was young, but did not know how to transfer that interest into my school work. By becoming a Religious Studies major I could be in a class setting that I enjoyed while also discussing subjects that were personally interesting to me.

What do you plan to do after you graduate, and how does your Religious Studies major factor in?
I am hoping to travel to Israel after I graduate or work at a non-profit. My major has tied into me becoming more attached with my religion and falling in love with the country Jews came from.

QiqiQiqi Mei '18

Do you have a favorite moment in a Religious Studies course here at Gettysburg?
I think my favorite moment(s) has to be the great class discussions I have had in multiple religion classes. They not only help me to learn many new things but also challenge my perspectives and teach me how to respect others and to be a good listener/talker.

What do you like most about Religious Studies?
I really love the interdisciplinary nature of Religious Studies. A Religious Studies class does not equal to a theology class, but rather a combination of history, anthropology, sociology, philosophy and even language. Religious Studies, especially in analyzing how different branches/ interpretations have been developed in different cultures and locations, and how changing society keeps shaping the formation of normativity fascinates me and reminds me of the diversity and complexity of issues.

What brought you to the Religious Studies major? (i.e. a particular interest, a particular class, a combination of things, etc)
Built upon on my knowledge about Israel and Palestine conflicts and from world religion classes in high school, I enrolled in Islam in the Modern World with Prof. Sijapati in my fall semester, sophomore year. The class materials and overall learning experience brought me to the Religious Studies major.

What do you plan to do after you graduate, and how does your Religious Studies major factor in?
I plan to go to graduate school for international education development/policy. Although it does not seem directly related to my Religious Studies major, what I have learned from my religion classes continue to impact me whenever I encounter a new culture, community and country. The approach in unpacking the complexity of social issues situated in a context with an intersectional lens prepares me for the future studies in tackling more social and educational problems.

MatthewMatthew Sult '18

Do you have a favorite moment in a Religious Studies course here at Gettysburg?
My favorite moment in a Religious Studies course at Gettysburg has to be going to the Farm of Peace for my Islam in America class. Being there in that community allowed me to understand more fully the concepts and practices that we were studying in class. Additionally, it was such a great opportunity to really reflect upon my own beliefs and strengthen my friendships with everyone in my class, as well as establish new ones!

What do you like most about Religious Studies?
The thing that I like most about Religious Studies is the vastness of it. Everyone comes from their own understanding of the world and religious tradition, which allows for a lifetime of study and understanding of others!

What brought you to the Religious Studies Major?
I was first interested in Religious Studies when I came to Gettysburg and was able to talk to different students within the department, as well as Stephen Stern, who really piqued my interest in understanding others through the lens of their religious background. Ultimately, I decided to become a Religious Studies major in order to understand people on a deeper and more personal level.

What do you plan to do after you graduate, and how does your Religious Studies major factor in?
As a Christian, I plan on going into full-time ministry, and specifically missions work. My Religious Studies major is a huge factor in my understanding of the culture and people with whom I will join in community as a missionary for Christ.