Arts and music clubs

Student clubs for art, creativity, singing, dance, musicianship, and more

Arts and music clubs on engageGettysburg

Name Category
Artem Arts and Music
B.O.M.B. Squad Arts and Music
Essence Dance Group Arts and Music
Four Scores Arts and Music
Gettysburg College Clay Crew Arts and Music
Half Sole Dance Company Arts and Music
It's On US Arts and Music
Jazz Appreciation Society Arts and Music
Listeners & Performers Arts and Music
Music Production Club Arts and Music
Opera Appreciation Club Arts and Music
Owl and Nightingale Players Arts and Music
Shots in the Dark Arts and Music
Sigma Alpha Iota Arts and Music
Stagecraft and Technical Arts Guild for Education Arts and Music, Media
Student Musical Theater Arts and Music
Swing Club Arts and Music
The Digital Age Arts and Music, Media
The Gettysburg Cinematics Arts and Music
The Lost Keys Arts and Music
VIBE Arts and Music
What's-it-Called Arts and Music

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