Fortenbaugh Lecture

Professor Robert FortenbaughThe Robert Fortenbaugh Memorial Lecture is presented annually on November 19, the anniversary of the Gettysburg Address, and takes as its central goal speaking to the literate general public without abandoning solid scholarly moorings. Free tickets for the lecture, to begin at 7:00 pm, may be obtained from the Majestic Theater box office or by calling 717-337-8200. The lecture will also be livestreamed through the CWI YouTube channel.

The 2024 lecture, John S. Mosby: A Confederate Partisan at War, will be delivered by Caroline Janney, John L. Nau III Professor of the American Civil War and Director of the John L. Nau Center for Civil War History at the University of Virginia. By the spring of 1865,  no Confederate name aroused more vitriol in the areas surrounding Washington, or perhaps even in the loyal North, than that of John S. Mosby. As colonel of the 43rd Battalion Virginia Cavalry, a partisan unit better known as Mosby’s Rangers, he had directed repeated raids on Union camps and supply lines in northern Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley.

Mosby became so effective at curtailing Union logistics and manpower in the region that both friend and foe labeled his area of operations “Mosby’s Confederacy.” Equally as vexing for U.S. forces was the perceived brutality of the Rangers. Union generals and privates alike referred to Mosby and his men as guerrillas and cutthroats, and the desire to eradicate them seemed to preoccupy the Union high command. Newspaper accounts recounted his daring escapades, families named their newborn sons after him, and by the winter of 1865, a French artist who was painting a full-length portrait of Robert E. Lee likewise asked Mosby to sit for sketches. Even those in the loyal North became entranced by his daring antics, leading to the wartime publication of a novels based on his exploits as well as a poem by Herman Melville.

But how did a slight lawyer from southwest Virginia who had enlisted as a private in 1861 come to gain such a reputation? In this lecture, Caroline E. Janney will trace the meteoric rise in the reputation of one of the Civil War’s most famous – or perhaps infamous – figures.

The Fortenbaugh Lecture was sustained during its first two decades by an endowment contributed by Mr. and Mrs. Clyde B. Gerberich of Mt. Joy, Pennsylvania, in honor of Professor Fortenbaugh, who taught history at Gettysburg from 1923 until his death in 1959. The endowment has been substantially supplemented by the National Endowment for the Humanities, the Harry D. Holloway Fund, and the Hewlett Foundation. In 1990 the alumni and friends of Gettysburg College made special contributions to commemorate the 79 years of combined service to Gettysburg College by Professors Basil L. Crapster and Charles H. Glatfelter, who retired in 1988 and 1989, respectively. The roll of donors includes Michael Bishop (Gettysburg ’57), winner of the 1989 Nobel Prize in Medicine.

The first Fortenbaugh Lecture was delivered in 1962 by Bruce Catton. He was followed by David Herbert Donald, John Hope Franklin, Willie Lee Rose, Richard N. Current, C. Vann Woodward, Kenneth M. Stampp, Drew Gilpin Faust, Elizabeth Fox Genovese, Eric Foner, Jean H. Baker, Mark E. Neely, Jr., and other luminaries of American historical writing. With the 21st lecture by Jacques Barzun, in 1982, in the 151st year of Gettysburg College, the private printing of the lecture commenced. In 1992 Oxford University Press published, and the Book of the Month Club made an alternate selection of, a collection of revised lectures from recent years: Gabor Boritt, ed., Lincoln, the War President: The Gettysburg Lectures.

The Fortenbaugh Fund continues to welcome contributions from the friends of the Lecture and the College. For more information, please contact the Civil War Institute office at 717-337-6590 or email