Table of Contents
Gettysburg College Magazine is published twice a year as a gift to all alumni, faculty, staff, and friends of the College by the Communications and Marketing Office. Included below are selected highlights from the Fall 2019 issue.
Looking to the future
Our 15th president answers your questions.-
Robert W. Iuliano’s Installation remarks
When I was growing up as a little kid outside of Boston, there was a long-serving...
Who are you?
The rise in popularity of home DNA testing provides answers about our identities while prompting new questions. -
The sweet life
David Borghesani’s ’84 career path as a historian was paved with chocolate.
President’s letter: Gettysburg College is no ordinary place, and this is no ordinary time.
I underscored this message in my installation address in September... -
Noteworthy: A new look for our magazine
We asked for your feedback and are proud to unveil the next evolution of Gettysburg College Magazine. -
Perspectives: On the topic of forgetting
What do we lose and gain when our memories fail us, or when we choose to ignore them? - News:
Jeopardy! Winner shares success story
Ryan Bilger ’19, a history major and Civil War Era studies and public history double minor, won a total of $107,049 over the course of five games on Jeopardy. -
What makes a great pretzel?
Meagan Given ’02, co-owner of York City Pretzel Company and executive director of Give Local York, shares the magic recipe.
Connections: Peter ’60 and Pamela Casagrande
Peter ’60 and Pamela Casagrande endowed a $100,000 travel fund for faculty and students in the English Department. -
Prof Path: Ryan Kerney, Biology
The diversity of animals and of life—that’s what compels me to work in Biology.
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