Selected as the Gettysburg College Class of 2024 Commencement student speaker by a committee of her peers and campus administrators, Regan Rightmire ’24 will close her undergraduate career by sharing the transformational learning experiences that shaped her collegiate journey and providing words of encouragement and inspiration to her fellow classmates as part of the main Commencement Ceremony on Saturday, May 18.

A business, organizations, and management major and data science minor, Rightmire committed to Gettysburg following a successful high school career at Downingtown S.T.E.M. Academy, where she was an all-area and all-academic selection in lacrosse and graduated summa cum laude. She quickly discovered a sea of opportunities in and out of the classroom on the Gettysburg campus, growing her depth of knowledge through the broad-based curriculum and developing enduring skills such as leadership and teamwork through Greek life, athletics, and other hands-on learning activities.
Learn more about the Class of 2024 student speaker below.
Q: Why did you choose to attend Gettysburg College?
Regan Rightmire: Gettysburg is a school that I grew up talking about, as my uncle was a student here. When it came time for me to choose where I wanted to continue my education, I felt an immediate connection to the campus here and its culture. What began with my experience in athletics has now bloomed into a well-rounded journey that has far exceeded my expectations for my undergraduate years, and I am so, so grateful.
Q: What is the value of an education in the liberal arts and sciences?
RR: A liberal arts education is immensely important and valuable as it prepares students for all of the twists and turns of life after college. A Gettysburg education equips students with the tools they need to continue on as well-rounded learners after graduation, making my peers and I more than capable of taking on challenges in the next chapter of our lives. Throughout my time at Gettysburg, the curriculum forced me to step out of my comfort zone in ways I had never before had the opportunity to, and I was encouraged to take on coursework both within and outside of the realm of my major.

Q: What organizations and activities did you participate in at Gettysburg?
RR: During my time here, I spent three years on the Gettysburg women’s lacrosse team. I am involved in Greek life as a member of Delta Gamma and have been serving as our chapter’s director of social events for the past year. I am the founder and editor of 1863 Magazine, a digital pop culture and fashion hub that publishes the voices of creatives and aspiring writers in the Gettysburg campus community. I also have worked closely with the Management Department for the past three semesters as a peer learning associate for their statistical methods courses. In the fall of my junior year, I studied abroad in Florence, Italy. The summer before my senior year, I interned at Burlington as a buying intern, and have also been working as a writing intern for NowSourcing Infographic Design Agency for the past two and a half years.
All of these experiences helped me to dip my toes into nearly every different area of interest that the College has to offer. I have met new people, learned new things, and have gained knowledge in professional and recreational fields that I otherwise would never have had the chance to. Each of these experiences are tools that I now have under my belt, equipping me to take on similar and greater responsibilities in my post-graduate endeavors.
“To be a Gettysburgian is a lifelong commitment—and it’s a title that we will all wear proudly long after graduation.”
– Regan Rightmire ’24
Q: What is your favorite memory at Gettysburg?
RR: It is hard to choose just one favorite memory from my time here at Gettysburg. Winning the Centennial Conference championship in lacrosse during the spring of my sophomore year and going to a final four and national championship in the following weeks and years was a highlight. Going abroad and living with my host family was an unforgettable experience as well. Finally, recruitment weekend and bid night with Delta Gamma this past fall was so much fun, and was a defining moment in my connections with some of my closest friends on campus.

Q: Who has made the biggest impact on you during your time on campus?
RR: Without a doubt, my friends. Especially starting my time here during the pandemic, my friends are the reason I was able to overcome hardships and become the woman I am today. They have grown to know me better than I know myself, and without my friends, my Gettysburg experience would have been much less fulfilling and impactful. They say it’s the people that make the place, and I am a huge believer of that.
Q: What does being a Gettysburgian mean to you?
RR: Being a Gettysburgian means being a friend, a learner, and a determined contributing member to whatever community one immerses themselves in. This comes in many forms, and the well-rounded liberal arts education that defines a Gettysburgian is at the core of these accomplishments. To be a Gettysburgian is a lifelong commitment—and it’s a title that we will all wear proudly long after graduation.
Q: What are your plans after graduation?
RR: I will be pursuing a master's degree in public relations and corporate communication at the New York University School of Professional Studies.
For more information about Commencement for the Class of 2024, including the weekend’s schedule, please visit the Commencement website.
By Corey Jewart
Photos courtesy of Regan Rightmire ’24
Posted: 05/14/24