Provost's Professional Papers Fund

The purpose of the Provost’s Professional Papers account is to support attendance by faculty members at conferences where they are presenting papers. The account is designed to supplement, not replace, the departmental travel allocation for faculty members.

Award Amounts

  • A maximum of $800 toward the cost of attending a domestic conference is available per fiscal year (June 1 – May 31).
  • A maximum of $1,500 toward an international conference (outside the contiguous United States) is available per fiscal year (June 1 – May 31).
  • A faculty member who is chairing a panel may request funds (considered one conference) at a reduced rate of 50% of the maximum award.
  • We no longer fund faculty who are conference discussants.


  • Full-time tenured or tenure-track faculty and lecturers are eligible to apply for a maximum of two conference presentations per fiscal year (only one of which may be an international conference).
  • Faculty with term appointments of 1 year are eligible to apply for a maximum of one conference presentation per fiscal year.
  • Faculty with term appointments of 2-3 years are eligible to apply for a maximum of one conference their first year and two conferences the second and/or third year.
  • Adjunct Faculty are eligible to apply for one conference per fiscal year. $400 will be available from Professional Papers for those presenting papers at a conference. Adjunct faculty may also request funds up to $300 from the Provost’s Office for attendance at a conference. These two requests can be combined on the Professional Papers application. $700 will be available for presenting a paper or $300 for just attendance.

All requests for funding should be made using the online application below. All applications must be submitted and requests approved prior to the start of the conference. If the faculty member receives funding but then has to cancel the presentation, please notify Michelle Schmidt at in the Provost’s Office.

How to Apply: