Academic and Personal Support

The Office of Residential Education (Res Ed) works in partnership with several other departments on campus to support students through challenging moments in their academic and personal lives. The College has student and professional staff available to assist with a variety of situations.

Residential Student Staff

Each first-year building within each of the two first-year quads (East and West) has a senior leader called a Residence Coordinator (RC). The RCs generally live on the first floor of the building and also serve as the Resident Assistant (RA) for their floor. On most other floors there are two RAs assigned to serve as educators and resources in the first-year residence halls.

In upperclass buildings, we have RCs who serve as building or complex leaders. The RCs lead teams of Community Advisors (CAs) who are specially trained to serve as peer advisors with the skills to facilitate discussions that support their residents' academic progress, personal development, and career exploration.

House Leaders (HLs) act as liaisons and advocates for College Houses. While the HL serves as liaison, mediator, administrator, and house advisor, HLs also facilitate the formulation of a community agreement, aid program planning, and inspect the house on a periodic basis. Learn more about the College House program.

House Leaders are supervised by the Assistant Residential Life Coordinator (ARLC) who oversees the day-to-day operations of the College House program. The ARLC supports the House Leaders in their programming efforts and assists in maintaining a healthy, welcoming community. The ARLC also coordinates community-wide events that strengthens the relationship of College House residents.

Finally, we have Orientation Leaders (OLs), who work with incoming new students during the Orientation time period. OLs play a critical role in welcoming and introducing new students and their families to the academic culture, social culture, and community of Gettysburg College. OLs also work with the RAs to help students create relationships and ease the transition to this new environment.

All student staff are available to support their residents as needed. The staff is responsible for community development, personal support, and helping to maintain a safe place for students to live and study.

Contact: Students can contact their Office of Residential Education student staff member by calling them, emailing them, or visiting their room. Each night of the academic year there are two RCs/RAs on duty in each first-year quad. The first-year staff are available in the staff offices (Stine and Patrick). All student staff on duty can be reached by calling Campus Safety (717-337-6911).

Professional Staff On-Call

A number of College Life professional staff members serve on the Residential Education On-Call Rotation. One of these professionals is on-call 24-hours a day throughout the academic year and are the first point of contact for student staff on-duty and for Campus Safety when there is a student in distress due to a personal or medical situation. The person on-call can be reached through the Campus Safety (717-337-6911).

Counselor On-Call

Throughout the academic year there is a counselor on-call 24-hours a day. The counselor on-call is one of the four full-time counselors who work at Gettysburg's Counseling Center. This person is contacted directly by the Residential Education On-Call professional and they work together to evaluate critical situations and determine plans to support students in need. If a student would like to speak to a counselor after regular business hours, they can contact Campus Safety (717-337-6911).

Department of Campus Safety

Campus Safety is responsible for providing a safe, secure living and learning environment for the campus community. Officers are on duty 24/7/365 and provide immediate response to all types of emergencies on campus. The Department provides services in the areas of patrol, investigations, parking enforcement, residence hall protection, building security, crime prevention, and special event security. They can be reached by calling 717-337-6911. Campus Safety works in partnership with the staff on-call to support students through challenging situations that emerge at any time day or night.

Center for Student Success

The Center for Student Success is an important resource for academic concerns. The Deans of the Center for Student Success offer support in many areas of academic life. They work in conjunction with students' faculty advisors to help students make educational plans and solve academic problems. Each Dean manages a specific set of responsibilities.


The CARE Team meets regularly to discuss and address concerns with student behavior, academic progress, and personal issues. If you are concerned about a student who poses an immediate danger to self or others or who may be in significant distress call 911 or Campus Safety (717-337-6911). They can work with you to assess the situation and determine if immediate action is necessary. Non-emergency concerns such as decline in academic performance, excessive absences/ghosting, unusual change in behaviors, etc., can be submitted to the CARE Team via the Community Concern Web Form. The CARE Team is a centralized group that reviews all information regarding students of concern at Gettysburg College. It was formed to insure that all relevant information about students of concern is reported to one central source. This information will then be investigated for the purpose of providing timely and effective intervention, as appropriate.

Report a Concern

At any time, students, faculty, and staff can submit a concern about themselves or other students. Read more about reasons you should consider submitting a Community Concern Form and how to submit a form online.