Report an incident
Report an incident of sexual misconduct through the Office of College Life.
How to report
Learn about the process for reporting an incident of sexual misconduct.
Gettysburg College is committed to maintaining an environment free from discrimination and harassment.
The Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX offers in-person and online trainings to inform the campus community about sexual misconduct, sexual harassment, consent, healthy relationships, bystander intervention and other related topics.
It's on Us PA
It's On Us is a national movement to end sexual misconduct on college campuses and furthermore, It's On Us PA has built off the momentum of the national movement to bring together college communities to reframe the conversation around sexual misconduct on college campuses. Gettysburg College has been awarded the It’s On Us PA grant to provide additional educational programming, launch a campus wide It’s On Us campaign, and continue to reduce barriers to reporting.
Bystander Intervention
Intervening in a situation where harm may be caused to another person is not always easy, but engaging the campus community to intervene during instances of possible stalking, harassment, dating and domestic violence, and sexual assault is essential in creating a safe campus community. Bystander Intervention teaches campus community members to understand the role that they play in preventing violence and how to take steps to create a safer community.