Report an incident
Report an incident of sexual misconduct through the Office of College Life.
How to report
Learn about the process for reporting an incident of sexual misconduct.
The Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX is committed to maintaining a campus environment that emphasizes the dignity and worth of all members of the college community.

The mission of The Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX is to educate members of the campus community on sexual respect and healthy relationships. Our goal is to create a community of respect where everyone can feel secure and free from harassment.
The college is committed to fostering a safe community for all, promoting dignity and appreciation and creating a campus environment where sexual misconduct and interpersonal violence is unacceptable. The office will enhance outreach and engagement with underserved populations on campus and work to continue bystander intervention education for the entire campus community. The Office of Sexual Respect and Title IX oversees the reporting and response process for those who have experienced sexual misconduct and relationship violence.

- To increase knowledge of key concepts related to sexual respect and healthy relationships.
- To increase awareness of campus and community resources.
- To educate campus community on negative cultural and social norms that may perpetuate interpersonal violence.
- To foster a community of respect where all feel safe and have equal access to educational and work opportunities and where everyone feels comfortable intervening to reduce the likelihood of victimization.
- To empower those affected by interpersonal violence to access available resources and seek appropriate resolution.
Title IX
Title IX is a comprehensive federal law that applies to institutions receiving federal financial assistance. The law protects individuals from discrimination on the basis of sex in educational programs or activities and requires institutions to have a policy that outlines its response to reports of sexual harassment or sexual violence.
Sexual Misconduct
Gettysburg College is committed to addressing all forms of sexual misconduct including those that fall outside the scope of Title IX. The College has a separate policy that applies to sexual misconduct that does not meet the definition of Title IX Sexual Harassment.
Know Your Rights
As a member of the Gettysburg College community you are protected from all form of sex discrimination and sexual violence under Title IX and the College’s Sexual Misconduct Policy. You have various rights, resources and options afforded to you under federal and state law, and Gettysburg College’s policies.
Bias Response and Education Protocol
The College’s Bias Response and Education Protocol is designed to address bias-related incidents that by definition do not violate College policy or law, but that can negatively affect the campus’s learning environment.
Nondiscrimination Statement
It is the policy of Gettysburg College not to discriminate improperly against any matriculated student, employee or prospective employee on account of age, race, color, religion, ethnic or national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression or disability.
Harassment Policy
Gettysburg College explicitly prohibits any form of illegal harassment by any College community member, organization or group. As such the College has a Harassment Policy to address any written, verbal or physical acts that are reasonably perceived as creating an intimidating, or hostile work, learning or living environment.
- HEDS 2016 Campus Climate Data (log-in required)
We host and co-sponsor a variety of annual awareness events, bystander workshops and prevention education programs with other departments and student clubs including the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center, Students Against Sexual Assault (SASA), the Panhellenic Council, and the Interfraternity Council (IFC).
Green Dot Bystander Intervention Programming – Please contact us at you are interested in developing a Green Dot Bystander Intervention Program and/or prevention training that fits your needs!

College Union Building (CUB), Second Floor
300 N. Washington Street
Gettysburg, PA 17325
Information on Title IX
At Gettysburg College, our goal is to create a safe campus community, free of violence. We adhere to Title IX and are working to end discrimination, prevent its recurrence, and remedy the effects. Join us in making our campus safe from all by learning more about our various programs, policies, and procedures. Inquiries concerning the application of these policies may be referred to Amanda Blaugher, Title IX Director, or to any of the designated Intake/Investigative Offices listed here: Title IX Reporting Information.