Prevention and Education

Report an incident

Report an incident of sexual misconduct through the Office of College Life.

Report an incident

How to report

Learn about the process for reporting an incident of sexual misconduct.

Learn how to file a report

Orientation for First-Year Students

  • All first-year students are required to successfully complete an online learning module when they arrive to Gettysburg. This module contains Gettysburg College-specific information that all of our students should be aware of during their time on campus. The module also provides information about Healthy Relationships, Consent, and Bystander Information. At the end of the module, students will need to successfully complete a post-test with a score of at least 80% or higher.
  • Welcome Week Sessions: All first year and new students will hear from the campuses Title IX Coordinator during their first few days on campus, providing valuable information about resources, supportive measures, campus policies, and how to report concerns to the College.

Annual/Ongoing Education

  • Consent Fair: This annual event brings together resources from on and off campus to engage in interactive activities about consent.
  • Domestic Violence Awareness Month: Various programming held throughout October to raise awareness and provide additional education on Domestic Violence.
  • Red Flag Campaign: This event is held to bring the community together on identifying red flags in relationships. Members of the community write concerning behaviors on red flags which then are displayed on campus.
  • Sexual Assault Awareness Month: Various programs are held throughout the month of April to raise awareness and provide additional education on Sexual Assault.
  • Take Back The Night: In partnership with various departments around campus, the Annual Take Back The Night event is held in April to bring the community together to support all survivors in this worldwide movement event.
  • Upperclassmen annual training: All upperclassmen also must complete annual online learning that provides a refresher on campus policies and definitions, consent, and bystander intervention.
  • New Member Education: All new members in fraternities and sororities attend a new members education session that builds upon the required training for all students specifically addressing prevention and intervention within their organizations.
  • Athletes: All athletes annually receive education on sexual violence prevention, intervention and response