Academic Program

Class size, student to faculty ratio, and faculty profile

During the 2023-24 academic year, the average class size is 18 and the median class size is 17. Class sizes vary by course level and by discipline. For example, 300-level classes average 15 students. First-Year Seminars (FYS; offered in the fall) averaged 15 students.  

The current student to faculty ratio is 9 to 1.

All tenured and tenure-track faculty members have a doctorate or other terminal degree. Of the 210+ full-time faculty members, 26% are domestic persons of color or international.

Degrees awarded by major

During the 2022-23 academic year, 573 students earned bachelor’s degrees, 136 (23.7%) of whom were double majors (including 4 students who were triple majors). In total, these 573 students completed 713 majors; the most popular majors among this graduating class were: Business, Organizations, & Management (12.1% or 86/713), Political Science (10.7%), Health Sciences (8.1%), Economics (7.9%, including Mathematical Economics), Psychology (7.4%), Biological Sciences (BIO & BMB combined) (5.9%), English (5.3%, including English with Writing Concentration), and History (4.6%).

For historical trends from 2003 to 2023, please explore this Interactive Data Tool/Dashboard.

For the number of graduates by Major in the most recent four graduating classes (2020-2023), please view the Degrees Awarded by Major table.

Minors completed by graduating class

308 students in the 2023 graduating class completed a total of 368 minors, including 57 students completing two minors (3 of these 57 were triple minors). Most popular minors were: Business (46), Peace & Justice Studies (35), Data Science (27), Economics (24), Mathematics (17), Spanish (17), and Educational Studies (16).

For historical trends from 2003 to 2023, please explore this Interactive Data Tool/Dashboard.