The Spanish/LACLS combined major includes a combination of Latin American Studies and Spanish courses. All majors must also take at least one semester of study abroad in a College-affiliated program in a Latin American country.
Students must take a total of twelve courses. This includes:
- Six Latin American Studies courses
- Six Spanish courses (Spanish 301 or 302 and above)
- One of the twelve courses will constitute the Capstone experience, taken as independent study to be completed during the senior year.
- Depending on the topic of the independent study, the student will substitute this course for one of the four elective courses used to complete either the Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies portion or the Spanish portion of the combined major.
Study Abroad:
During the required semester of study abroad in a College-affiliated program in Latin America:
- A maximum of two courses may be applied to the Latin American studies component of the major
- A maximum of two courses can be used to fulfill electives for the Spanish portion of the major.
- Approved College-affiliated programs currently include locations in Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.
Combined Major Course Offerings
Latin American, Caribbean, and Latino Studies Course Options:
Core Courses (required of all Spanish/LACLS majors):
- One 100-level course chosen from the following:
- LAS 140 Introduction to Latin America: Social Sciences
- LAS 145 Introduction to Latinx Studies
- LAS 147 Introduction to Latin America: Cultural Studies
- One of the LAS First-Year Seminars: FYS 133-2, FYS 199-2, FYS 199-3
- One 200-level course chosen from LAS 220, LAS 222, LAS 228, LAS/Hist 261, LAS/Soc 262, LAS 263/Hist 262, LAS 268
- One 300- or 400-level course chosen from LAS 300, LAS 322, LAS/SOC 331, LAS/Hist 361
Elective Courses (select three of the following):
- FYS 133-2 Gender and Politics in Latin America
- FYS 199-2 On the Road in Latin American Film
- FYS 199-3 Film, Fabrication, and Latin America
- LAS 140 Introduction to Latin America: Social Sciences
- LAS 147 Introduction to Latin America: Cultural Studies
- LAS/Econ 214 Latin American Economic History and Development
- LAS 220 Topics in Latin American Literature
- LAS 222/WGS 221 Bridging the Borders: Latina and Latin American Women Writers
- LAS 223/AFS 236 Mapping Caribbean Identities
- LAS 228 Latin American Cinema
- LAS 231/WGS 231/ANTH 231 Gender and Change in Africa and Afro-Latin America
- LAS/Anth 232 Precolumbian Civilizations of Mesoamerica
- LAS/Anth 236 Precolumbian Civilizations of South America
- LAS/MUS/AFS 251 Topics in Musicology: Global-Music of the Caribbean
- LAS/Hist 261 Colonial Latin American History
- LAS/Soc 262 Social Development of Latin America
- LAS 263/Hist 262 Modern Latin American History
- LAS/Hist 264 Brazil: Earthly Paradise to Industrial Giant
- LAS/ENG 265 U.S. Latino Voices
- LAS/Soc 267 Society and Politics in Latin America
- LAS 268 Gender and Sexuality in Latino/a Cinema
- LAS 276/SOC 276 Contemporary Mexican State and Society
- LAS 300 Special Topics in Latin American Studies
- LAS 304 Film and Revolution in Latin America
- LAS 322 The Hispanic Heritage in the United States
- LAS 331/Soc 331 Reinventing Latin American Societies
- LAS 337 Borderland of the Americans
- LAS/Hist 361 The Mexican Revolution
- LAS 362/Hist 362 The U.S. and Latin America Since 1898
- LAS/Hist 364 Social Difference in Brazilian History
- LAS 460 Individualized Study
Spanish Department Course Options
Core Courses (required of all Spanish/LACLS majors):
- Span 301 or 302 (Heritage Learners) Spanish Composition and Conversation
- Students who demonstrate an exceptional command of the Spanish language may petition the department to be exempted from this requirement.
- Span 305 The Pleasure of the Text
Elective Courses (select four of the following):
- Span 351 Poetry and Song in the Hispanic World
- Span 354 The Nineteenth-Century Hispanic World
- Span 355 Hispanic Theater
- Span 370 Becoming Latina/o and Chicana/o in Latino Literature
- Span 376 Latin American Contemporary Prose
- Span 378 Contemporary Literature of the Hispanic Caribbean
- Span 379 Colonialism, the Atlantic World and Latin America