The orientation schedule for students who are music majors and minors is slightly different than the orientation schedule for undeclared students. It is important that music majors (all degrees) and music minors attend the Conservatory orientation events below.
If you get conflicting information from your student orientation leader, please refer them to this page or contact the Conservatory office for clarification.
Thursday, August 22
To be Arranged
Conservatory Auditions for the Major/Minor (Schmucker Hall Rm. 222, Paul Recital Hall)
Auditions for students who have not previously auditioned and who are interested in a music major or minor. Students planning to audition must email Dr. Amanda Heim to schedule an audition. In addition, students should prepare their audition by following the Conservatory’s audition requirements.
1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Non–music Academic Advising
Music major students with a double major and music minors meet with advisor in their other major. Note: Music Majors and minors will meet with their music advisors on Friday, August 23. See schedule below.
3:00 p.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Theory Assessment (Schmucker Hall, Rm. 215)
As part of your audition, you took a music theory assessment online. Since that component has already been completed, most students will not need to attend this section of orientation.
If you have not yet taken this assessment (including students auditioning for the music major/minor on Aug 22) or were instructed to re-take this assessment, please email Dr. Avner Dorman.
Entering students with a significant theory background who are interested in bypassing the first and second semesters of music theory will have the opportunity to take a written, aural skills, and keyboard assessment at this time. While you may have gained a great deal of experience in AP Music Theory, your credits from that exam do not automatically exempt you from Music Theory I and II.
If you plan to take this second placement assessment and attempt to bypass Music Theory I and II, please email Dr. Avner Dorman. You will need a thorough understanding of and proficiency in tonal harmony, voice leading, species counterpoint, and harmonic analysis, as well as aural skills and keyboard skills sufficient for entering the third semester of music theory. Most students begin the sequence with Music Theory I.
Learn more about music theory placement testing.
Friday, August 23
10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Conservatory Welcome and Information Meeting for all Music Majors and Minors (Schmucker Hall Rm 222)
Required for all music majors and minors
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Conservatory breakout meetings by degree track for Music Majors and Minors (various locations, announced at 10am meeting)
1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Students meet with their music advisor (various locations, see faculty directory)