Information Literacy Outcomes

What is Information Literacy?

Information literacy refers to the set of integrated skills, practices, and knowledge encompassing the discovery and interpretation of information; a critical understanding how information is produced, valued, and circulated; and the use of information to create new knowledge ethically.

In support of Gettysburg’s curricular requirement on effective communication, we believe that information literacy is essential to the lives of our students as liberal arts graduates. In a rapidly changing information landscape shaped by technological and social forces, it is essential to preparing students for effective leadership and socially responsible citizenship.

Six Core Information Literacy Concepts

Our approach to developing students' information literacy skills is rooted in six core information literacy concepts. These concepts, and our local student learning outcomes, are informed by The Framework for Information Literacy for Higher Education from the Association of College & Research Libraries.

  1. Scholarship as a Conversation. Communities of scholars, researchers, or professionals engage in sustained discourse with new insights and discoveries occurring over time as a result of varied perspectives and interpretations.
  2. Research as Inquiry. Research is iterative and depends on asking increasingly complex or new questions whose answers in turn develop additional questions or lines of inquiry within or between disciplines.
  3. Searching as Strategic Exploration. Searching for information is often nonlinear, requiring the evaluation of a range of information sources and the mental flexibility to pursue alternate avenues as new understanding develops. It requires using various search strategies, depending on the sources, scope, and context of the information need.
  4. Authority is Constructed and Contextual. Information sources reflect their creators’ expertise and credibility. Sources should be evaluated based on the information need, the context in which the information was created, and how the information will be used. Authority is constructed in that various communities may recognize different types of authority. It is contextual in that the information need may help to determine the level of authority required.
  5. Information Creation as a Process. Information in any format is produced to convey a message and is shared via a selected delivery method. The iterative processes of researching, creating, revising, and disseminating information vary, and the resulting product reflects these differences.
  6. Information Has Value. Information possess several dimensions of value, including as a commodity, as a means of education, as a means to influence, and as a means of negotiating and understanding the world. Legal and socioeconomic interests influence information production, dissemination, and access.

Student Learning Outcomes by Course Level

Librarians have identified student learning outcomes for the FYS/100 level, 200-300 level, and 400 level courses. A table with all of the outcomes is available to download as PDF.

First Year Seminar and 100-Level (End of First Year)

Scholarship as a Conversation

  • Understand that scholarship is a conversation in which meaning is created and debated by information creators and consumers over time
  • Understand that an issue may be represented by multiple perspectives and approaches
  • Recognize that information may be perceived differently based on the format in which it is presented

Research as Inquiry

  • Recognize that research is an iterative process that requires persistence, adaptability, and flexibility
  • Formulate research question of an appropriate scope for assignment or purpose

Searching as Strategic Exploration

  • Develop an effective search strategy by identifying key concepts or terms
  • Distinguish among information search tools (MUSCAT, article and citation databases, Google Scholar, and others)
  • Employ strategies to broaden/narrow search results (Boolean operators, search filters, etc.)
  • Access a source by using different retrieval methods (e.g., call numbers, Gett It button, interlibrary loan, etc.)

Evaluate Information

  • Critically examine information from various sources in order to evaluate accuracy, authority, currency, and point of view
  • Identify usefulness and relevancy of information sources for an assignment or purpose
  • Recognize a scholarly, peer-reviewed article and identify its key components

Information Creation as a Process

  • Distinguish among types of sources (e.g., books, journal articles, primary/secondary, scholarly/popular, etc.)
  • Describe the scholarly peer review process and how it impacts scholarly research
  • Use sources to support an argument or claim with evidence
  • Understand that sources may be perceived and valued differently based on their format as well as creation and dissemination processes

Information Has Value

  • Recognize when ideas need to be attributed to others and what is “common knowledge”
  • Identify citation elements and document sources accurately
  • Integrate the ideas of others through quoting and paraphrasing
  • Understand College policy on academic integrity and the Honor Code

200-300 level (Intermediate)

Scholarship as Conversation

  • Identify the contribution particular information sources make within an ongoing scholarly conversation
  • Engage with information in ways that demonstrate critical thinking and new understanding
  • Recognize that knowledge can be organized into disciplines that influence the way information is discovered and accessed

Research as Inquiry

  • Develop research question(s) based on curiosity, information gaps, and/or conflicting information
  • Evaluate information and explore multiple perspectives while maintaining an open mind and critical stance
  • Create or utilize a system for organizing and managing information sources
  • Articulate how information decisions/choices are made

Searching as Strategic Exploration

  • Effectively apply advanced search skills within disciplinary search tools, including specialized subject headings or facets
  • Identify information gaps or weaknesses and refine search strategies as necessary
  • Understand the interdisciplinary nature of research and how it impacts search strategies

Evaluate Information

  • Describe different types of authority, such as subject expertise, experience, societal position, etc.
  • Identify indicators of authority recognized by disciplines, professions, and communities of practice
  • Develop a self-awareness of personal bias and worldview and understand how that influences information interpretation
  • Recognize the cultural, physical, or other context within which information is created and how that context impacts interpretation

Information Creation as Process

  • Articulate the capabilities and constraints of various processes of information creation within a discipline
  • Recognize that the information creation process may result in a range of information formats that vary by discipline
  • Select appropriate format (e.g., academic paper, digital project, poster, presentation) to communicate information based on audience and purpose

Information Has Value

  • Distinguish among different disciplinary conventions for citation and communication
  • Recognize issues related to information commodification (e.g., filter bubbles and search result personalization)
  • Identify and discuss issues related to open access and fee-based resources
  • Articulate the purpose and distinguish characteristics of copyright, fair use, and the public domain

400-level (Graduating Senior)

Scholarship as Conversation

  • Understand role as a contributor to a scholarly conversation rather than simply as a consumer
  • Recognize that participation in a scholarly conversation is impacted by power and authority structures, prioritizing certain voices and perspectives
  • Contribute to a scholarly conversation at an appropriate level and venue (e.g., undergraduate research journal article, poster presentation, etc.)

Research as Inquiry

  • Interpret, analyze, and synthesize information in order to form new knowledge
  • Determine an appropriate scope of investigation and apply advanced research strategies for the need, context, and type of inquiry

Searching as Strategic Exploration

  • Determine comprehensiveness of results by questioning the limits of search tools or strategies

Evaluate Information

  • Investigate differing viewpoints encountered in the literature and determine whether or not to incorporate or reject these ideas
  • Develop own authoritative voice in a particular area and understand the responsibilities this entails, including seeking accuracy and crediting the ideas of others
  • Understand the traditional notions of authority within a discipline and seek underrepresented voices

Information Creation as Process

  • Employ traditional and/or emerging processes (e.g., digital scholarship) of information creation and dissemination within a particular discipline
  • Determine preferred level of copyright permissions when publishing/sharing own work

Information Has Value

  • Examine information privilege and how the production and dissemination of information may impact issues of access or lack of access
  • Follow legal and ethical guidelines in gathering data and using information
  • Identify and discuss issues related to censorship, freedom of speech, and access to information