Affiliated Program Type: Group
- Fall
- Spring
Academic Focus:
- Anthropology
- Globalization Studies
- International Affairs
- IGS - Global Studies
- IGS - International Affairs
- Internships
- Philosophy
- Peace and Justice Studies
- Public Policy
- Research
- Sociology
- Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Language of Instruction: English
Language Study: Dutch
Eligibility Requirements: 2.5 GPA; College-level coursework or other preparation in sexuality or gender studies.
Full-time Course Load: 16 credits
Program Dates: Early September through mid-December or early February through mid-May.
Mandatory Coursework: Dutch Language (3 credits), Theory OR Adv. Theory and Application of Feminist, LGBTQI, and Queer Studies (3 credits), Migration, Gender, and Sexuality (3 credits), Research Methods Ethics (3 credits), and Independent Study Proj. OR Intern. (4 credits).
Gettysburg Pre-requisites: None
Living Arrangements: Home Stays