Affiliated & Non-affiliated Programs

If you have decided that a global study experience is right for you, the next step is to decide what type of global study program fits your needs most closely. You will see the following categories - Affiliated, Non-affiliated, Direct University Enrollment, Global Study Programs, Hybrid Programs, and Independent Research/Internship Programs - used throughout our information to describe our programs. Please keep in mind that there are both domestic and international global study opportunities.

Affiliated Programs

Over 97% of Gettysburg students who study globally participate in Affiliated Programs

These domestic and international, single-country academic year and semester global study programs span the globe and offer excellent academic and cultural immersion for students in all majors. These programs have been carefully vetted and selected by the Gettysburg College faculty to meet the unique academic needs of our students and departmental goals.

These programs offer Gettysburg College students several advantages:

Just like home.....

  • Gettysburg's academic departments fully support our Affiliated Programs, and all departments encourage students to make an Affiliated Program part of their Gettysburg degree.
  • Students participating in Affiliated Programs can take courses that count toward their major, minor or the goals of the Gettysburg curriculum, and earn credit and grades for the work that they do. Thus, global credits become a permanent part of a student's Gettysburg record. All grades are reported (A-F) on the Gettysburg transcript.

Financial Ease

  • Students continue to be billed Gettysburg's Tuition and the Global Study Fee for Affiliated Programs which is comparable to the comprehensive cost of a semester at Gettysburg so that families can continue with their regular payment schedule. The Gettysburg comprehensive fee is equivalent to tuition, room, the USA meal plan, and Global Medical Insurance. Gettysburg College then pays for tuition, room, full board, insurance, and may provide a flight credit to students who are studying international (students may only receive one flight credit during their Gettysburg education).
  • Gettysburg students continue to receive their financial aid - except for work study - for their global study program. This means that federal aid, state aid, and even Gettysburg institutional grants, loans, and scholarship apply, just as if you were on campus.
  • If your parent works for Gettysburg College or you are on tuition exchange, please see CGE for information about the financial policies that apply to you.
  • Note that there will be additional costs associated with an affiliated program that will not be covered by Gettysburg, such as a program deposit (which will be credited back to you), local transportation, passport and visa costs, books, vacation/travel expenses, immunizations and medications, etc. Please refer to the Financial Information section or the program specific budget worksheets found on the Affiliated Program list for more information.

Program Search
List of Affiliated Programs

Non-affiliated Programs

There are some Gettysburg students who, due to specific academic goals, cannot find an Affiliated Program to match their interests. Since Gettysburg College tries to support all students in good academic and disciplinary standing with an interest in global study, occasionally a few students are approved to attend a Non-affiliated Program. Students interested in attending a program not on Gettysburg College's list of Affiliated global study programs may submit a petition if they have a strong and clear argument about the unique academic reasons that the petitioned program meets their individual priorities.

Students considering Non-affiliated Program should review the guidelines below when choosing their program.

  • The petition deadline is September 15 for spring and February 15 for fall regardless what the program application deadline is. Late applications will not be accepted.
  • Petitions will only be considered for Non-affiliated Programs offered by Program Providers that Gettysburg College uses for their Affiliated Programs.
  • Any Non-affiliated Program in a country that does not have English as an official language must include a credit bearing foreign language course.
  • Any Non-affiliated program must include studying in a single country for a minimum 13 weeks in the semester and offer the equivalent of 4 course units at Gettysburg College. Any out of country excursions must be in addition to the time spent in the primary host country.
  • The inability to meet eligibility requirements in an appropriate Gettysburg College Affiliated Program is not considered a valid academic reason for choosing a Non-affiliated Program.
  • It is NOT possible for students to “directly enroll” in foreign universities without applying through a Program Provider.
  • It is NOT possible for students to gain approval for Non-affiliated Programs in cities where Affiliated Programs currently exist and are offered in the same semester.
  • With the exception of direct enrollment university programs, all Non-affiliated Programs must include a homestay, and Gettysburg students must live with a homestay family.
  • It is NOT possible for students to gain approval to participate in programs offered by for-profit study abroad companies.

Students must meet with an advisor in CGE about the petition/application process. Petitions should address the student’s specific academic goals, why an Affiliated Program cannot meet these goals, and how the Non-affiliated Program meets the guidelines outlined above. All petitions are reviewed by the Global Study Programs Committee and should be submitted via email to Students must receive approval by the Global Study Programs Committee prior to opening an application and applying to the program.

Non-affiliated Programs differ from Affiliated Programs in the following ways:

Credit Only

  • Students participating in Non-affiliated Programs can take courses toward their major, minor or the goals of the Gettysburg curriculum, but will earn only credit (not grades) for the work that they do. This means global study courses appear on a Gettysburg transcript as credit as long as you achieve a grade of C- or better in the courses.

Counting Course Units

  • Students participating in Non-affiliated Programs must refer to the following chart in order to determine how many Gettysburg Course Units you will receive:

    2 Semester Hours of Credit = .50 Gettysburg Course Units

    3 Semester Hours of Credit = .80 Gettysburg Course Units

    4 Semester Hours of Credit = 1.00 Gettysburg Course Units

    5 Semester Hours of Credit = 1.25 Gettysburg Course Units

    6 Semester Hours of Credit = 1.50 Gettysburg Course Units

    If your program does not use Semester Hours as the unit of credit, please see the Registrar before you plan to apply for advice on how many courses you need to take abroad. It is very important that you do not assume that one class abroad counts for one Gettysburg Course Unit, as this is often not the case!

Different Programs, Different Costs

  • Students attending a Non-affiliated Program pay all costs directly to the sponsoring program, and these costs vary according to program. All arrangements regarding payment of program fees must be worked out with the sponsoring program. Students electing to participate in a non-affiliated global study program will be billed a Non-affiliated Global Study Fee (each semester) that covers the administrative services provided by Gettysburg College for the student.
  • Gettysburg students can continue to use federal financial aid, and in some cases, state financial aid to pay for the Non-affiliated Program through Gettysburg College. Gettysburg institutional grants, scholarships, and loans cannot be used to pay for Non-affiliated Programs, although once the student returns to Gettysburg College, these grants and loans will be reinstated. Gettysburg students cannot attend an Affiliated Program as a Non-affiliated student.