Quito, Ecuador: Development, Politics, and Languages (SIT) - Click here for more info
Affiliated Program Type: Group
- Fall
- Spring
Academic Focus:
- Anthropology
- Business, Orgs, and Management
- Economics
- Environmental Studies
- History
- IGS - Global Studies
- IGS - International Affairs
- Latin American Studies
- Organization and Management Studies
- Peace and Justice Studies
- Political Science
- Public Policy
- Research
- Sociology
- Spanish
- Sp-Lat Amer/Caribbean/Latino
- Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Language of Instruction:
- English/Spanish
- Spanish
Language Study: Spanish
Eligibility Requirements: 2.5 GPA; Three recent semesters of college-level Spanish or equivalent and the ability to follow coursework in Spanish.
Full-time Course Load: 16 credits
Program Dates: Early September through mid-December or early February through mid-May.
Mandatory Coursework: Spanish for the Social Sciences (3 credits), Languages in Contact: Spanish, Quichua, and other Lang. (3 credits), Paradigms of Dev. and Pol. Discourse (3 credits), Research Methods and Ethics (3 credits), and Independent Study Project (4 credits).
Gettysburg Pre-requisites: Spanish majors/minors or students intending to major or minor in Spanish must have completed Spanish 301; All students must meet with the program representative in the Spanish Department, Professor Jenny Dumont, prior to applying.
Living Arrangements: Home Stays