Career Exploration:
Phd/Grad school programs
Post-graduate Research Opportunities
- National Institutes of Health Postbac IRTA Program
- Pathways to Science, program search database (be sure to specify the appropriate “level of study,” such as Post-Baccalaureate)
- Many students look for Research Technician positions in science labs at universities or large medical centers, to gain research experience after graduation. For some students, this can be a stepping-stone on the way to applying for graduate school, or getting a job in the pharmaceutical industry. If you are interested in looking for such jobs, often the best approach is to first decide where in the country you want to live, and then to identify universities and medical centers in those cities with large biomedical research departments in the area(s) of biology that interest you. Once you’ve done this, start searching the human resources or employment pages on the websites for those universities for positions described as “research technician,” “research associate,” or “research assistant.” Typically, we suggest starting this process during the spring semester of your senior year, and checking the websites frequently, as new jobs will pop up all the time. Your Gettysburg faculty advisor and research mentor(s) should be able to help coach you through this process!
Job resources in the Biological Sciences
(general lists / search engines):
- American Institute of Biological Sciences
- Biology Jobs
- Science Careers
- Medzilla
- Science Masters
- Science Jobs
- Scientist Jobs
- Life Sciences World
Jobs in Specific Biological Fields
- Pharmaceutical Jobs
- National Science Foundation
- National Institute of Health
- Forensic Science
- International Marine Animal Trainers Association
- Marine Careers
- Center for Disease Control and Prevention
- National Science Teachers Association
Volunteer Opportunities
For a list of links specifically related to careers in the Health Professions visit the Guide to Pre-Health Professions.