Considering your options
- A comprehensive chapter for people considering graduate school in psychology can be downloaded from the publisher. The reference for this chapter is: Prinstein, M.J., Choukas-Bradley, S.C., & Guan, K. (2012). Deciding to apply and successfully gaining admission to graduate schools in psychology. In M.J. Prinstein (Ed.), The portable mentor: Expert guide to a successful career in psychology. Second Edition. New York: Springer.
- A 2018 special issue of Teaching of Psychology, (Vol 45 issue 1 ) focuses on career issues for undergraduate psychology majors. This content is available through the Gettysburg College Library.
Frequently asked questions about graduate study in psychology
- Should I start graduate school right after college or later?
- What's the difference between a masters degree and a doctoral degree?
- If I want a doctoral degree, should I apply to a masters program first?
- What graduate programs should I pursue if I want to practice in the mental health field?
Sources of information about graduate study in psychology and related fields
- All areas of psychology (masters and doctoral degrees)
- Social psychology and personality psychology (masters and doctoral degrees)
- Developmental psychology (masters and doctoral degrees)
- Clinical psychology and counseling psychology doctoral degrees
- School psychology (masters and doctoral degrees)
- Social work masters degrees
- Counseling masters degrees
- Degrees in related health professions (e.g., medicine, nursing, occupational therapy)
Preparing graduate school and job applications
- Information from the Center for Career Engagement at Gettysburg College
- Graduate Record Examination (GRE) information
- Writing a personal statement
- Resumes and CVs/Vitae
- Letters of recommendation
General resources for psychology students