Choir Auditions

Choir is for everyone, not just conservatory students!

Every choir has singers from different majors and minors. If you've been singing in choir for many years, or if you're just starting out, there are many ways to sing at Gettysburg College.

Choir auditions for the Spring semester will take place on Monday, January 20 from 4:00-6:00 and 7:00-9:00. Sign up for a 10-minue appointment at Schmucker 212.

There are openings in all choirs. Here's how to learn more about the choirs.

  • Choirs webpage, where you can navigate to information about each choir, see the rehearsal times, etc.
  • Choirs-at-a-glance - a page with a summary of all the choirs
  • Questions and Answers about choir, where you can read more detailed information. Very likely that your question will be answered there. 
  • Use this information to decide what choir(s) you're interested in.
  • MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL: save time in your schedule for the choirs you want.

About voice checks/auditions.

  • It's designed to be easy and friendly!
  • Sign up for an appointment at Schmucker 212. Sign up early to get your best time. (signup sheets will be posted mid-August)
  • The audition takes about 10 minutes. Arrive a few minutes early to fill out a form.
  • You don't need to prepare anything for the appointment. But warm up your own voice before singing.
  • You'll sing a few vocal exercises to explore range and tone
  • You'll sing a brief song, like "Row, Row, Row Your Boat"
  • You'll sing a simple music reading exercise
  • It's just one appointment to audition for all of the groups

If you have further questions or need help, please contact 
Dr. Natter at

Keep singing! Don't let schedule conflicts, nervousness, etc. stop you. We welcome you to join this excellent community of musicians and fine human beings.