Parent to parent: Connections are at the heart of the Gettysburg community

Gettysburg College hosted an informational program in Vietnam with families of current and accepted Gettysburg students
Gettysburg College hosted an informational program April 8 and 9, 2023, in Vietnam with families of current and accepted Gettysburg students. Danielle Wolfberg and Zach de Besche ’22 from Gettysburg’s Admissions Office and International Student Services Director Brad Lancaster traveled from Gettysburg to Vietnam for this special presentation.

Last summer, my son, Kiet Tuan Tran ’26, came to the United States for the first time to study at Gettysburg College. Before attending Gettysburg, Mr. Brad Lancaster, director of International Student Services, created a group for students in Vietnam to communicate with each other and exchange information about topics such as visas. I was very happy because it created a group of friends for my son before he arrived in Gettysburg.

When he arrived in the United States, my son and other international students were picked up by the College shuttle at Dulles International Airport. International Student Services provided support during the students’ travels and once they arrived at Gettysburg. That support also carried through to Orientation. During the first day of International Student Orientation, students could walk around campus and the beautiful small town of Gettysburg in the nice August weather.

Ha Kim and family
Front row: Minh Anh, Kiet Tuan Tran ’26. Back row: Vo Thi Sau, Ha Kim Ngoc P’26, Tran Van Mung P’26

When children are away from home, parents are most often worried about food, accommodations, and personal activities, but I am very relieved that Gettysburg has taken care of everything for my son:

Ha Kim and family
Parents of current and accepted Gettysburg College students connect during dinner in Vietnam as part of the College’s April 2023 Admissions and International Student Services visit to Southeast Asia. Ha Kim Ngoc P’26 (fourth from the front left side of the table) is joined by International Student Services Director Brad Lancaster (fifth from the front left side). Danielle Wolfberg, associate director of Admissions and coordinator of international recruitment (fourth from the front right side), and Zach de Besche ’22, Admissions counselor (third from the front right side), represent Gettysburg’s Admissions Office.

When Mr. Lancaster, Ms. Danielle Wolfberg, and Mr. Zach de Besche ’22 came to Vietnam on April 9, our conversations affirmed that teachers really care about students and support students in and out of the classroom. Gettysburg College professors are like friends who share information about subjects and guide students in their paths. Gettysburg is where students can forge meaningful relationships, including with more than 32,000 alumni in the Gettysburg Network who can help students with internships and job opportunities.

My son is not alone at Gettysburg. We see Gettysburg as more than a school. We see it as a family.

Ha Kim Ngoc P’26 is the mother of Kiet Tuan Tran ’26, who came to Gettysburg from Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Learn more about the Office of International Student Services and its work to foster a welcoming, inclusive campus environment for all international students studying at Gettysburg College.

By Ha Kim Ngoc P'26
Photos courtesy of Ha Kim Ngoc P'26
Posted: 07/05/23

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