Safety Escort

Gettysburg College wants to provide a safe learning environment and a way of traveling on campus by persons who find themselves alone and do not feel comfortable traveling alone. It is a well-known fact that walking alone at night increases everyone's risk of being a victim of a crime. The safety escort service was developed to provide a proactive measure to this situation.

Campus Safety is responsible for the safety escort service and must provide the best service to the community. The safety escort service must have a high quality control in order to avoid poor service and /or misuse.

The following is a set of guidelines for a request of an escort.

  1. Any student can request a safety escort.
  2. The starting location and destination must be from either college owned property or an off campus related housing property such as fraternities or private property within close proximity to campus.
  3. Safety escorts will be a walking escort unless there are not enough resources to justify it. Example: Very busy workload or under staffed shifts.
  4. Student Patrol Officers will be assigned this detail when on duty.

Call 717-337-6912 to request this service.