Clubs and Organizations

There are over 100 clubs, organizations and departmental opportunities at Gettysburg College. The Office of Student Activities & Greek Life offers clubs and organizations various services through this website including registration forms, an advisor tutorial, and answers to frequently asked questions. Please use this website to provide you with additional resources to help your club or organization succeed. If you need further assistance, please contact the Office of Student Activities & Greek Life (CUB 210) at (717) 337-6304.

Get Involved: Current Student Organizations
Gettysburg College boasts 120 student clubs and organizations.

Start a Club or Organization
If you are unable to find what you are looking for, Gettysburg College is open to new ideas for clubs and organizations.

Manage a Club
The Office of Student Activities & Greek Life offers resources to student leaders ranging from club registration forms to a comprehensive student organization manual.

Plan an Event

Looking to coordinate an event on campus? This page will provide information regarding how to effectively plan an event and the required paperwork for bringing a speaker or performer to campus.

Activities Fair
Activity Fairs are held twice a year and provide an opportunity to learn about student clubs and organizations on campus.

For Advisors
The Advisor Tutorial offers information about how to effectively support clubs and organizations.

Gettysburg College Anti-Hazing Policy
Gettysburg College opposes all forms of hazing. From a legal perspective, hazing is a crime. From an individual student's perspective, hazing damages the self-esteem of the targets of the hazing.

Still wondering? Check out the answers to some frequently asked questions. For more information, contact the Office of Student Activities & Greek Life.

Additional Resources
These resources will help your club or organization function at its highest level.