Justice and Community Change Pathway

Below is a list of the current opportunities within each Pathway, new experiences will be added over time.

Year 1: Introductory Experiences

Discover opportunities for community action. Describe how community action can promote equity.

  • Participate in GIV Day or other one-time service opportunities
  • Participate in a social justice or environmental justice focused student organization
  • Participate in a dialogue group
  • Publish an opinion about a social justice related topic in The Gettysburgian
  • Publish in Eisenhower Institute’s Ike’s Anvil student blog 
  • Participate in a justice-related educational event (Poverty Simulation, Center for Public Service Adams County Driving Tour, Center for Public Service Gettysburg Borough Walking Tour, etc.)
  • Attend an LGBTQA+ Awareness and Advocacy Training

Year 2 and 3: Exploratory Experiences

Engage in community action. Describe how that community action promotes equity.

  • Serve on an advisory group addressing diversity, equity, and inclusion (Senate, Conservatory, Public Policy, Greek Life, etc.)
  • Participate in an ongoing service project or program (El Centro, Painted Turtle Farm, Campus Kitchen, Casa de la Cultura ESL classes, etc.)
  • Participate in a College-sponsored political debate
  • Actively participate in a social justice- or an environmental justice-focused student organization
  • Participate in a Center for Public Service Immersion Project
  • Serve as a Program Coordinator for the Gender and Sexuality Resource Center (GSRC)
  • Coordinate a donation drive or fundraiser
  • Participate in a multi-day Eisenhower Institute experiential education program focused on justice and community change
  • Collaborate with a team of peers and a community employer partner through the Community GIGs program

Year 4: Consequential Experiences

Demonstrate team leadership in community action. Help the team understand how that community action promotes equity.

  • Serve on the executive board of a social justice- or an environmental justice-focused student group
  • Complete a Center for Public Service Summer Fellowship
  • Create or lead a Center for Public Service Immersion Project
  • Serve as a First Gen Student Mentor
  • Serve as a Center for Public Service Student Program Coordinator
  • Apply for and implement a summer social justice or peace grant (Mattson Summer Experience, Davis Projects for Peace, etc.)
  • Coordinate an ongoing service project or program for other students
  • Coordinate a large-scale philanthropic activity for the campus community (Relay for Life)
  • Participate in an internship at a nonprofit focusing on social justice and advocacy
  • Serve on a political campaign or in a community advocacy effort
  • Complete Eisenhower Institute’s Environmental Leadership program
  • Conduct research with a professor on a social justice or environmental justice focused topic
  • Serve as a House Leader for Justice/Change-Oriented College House
  • Implement a faculty-mentored Community-Based Research project
  • Participate in a year-long Eisenhower Institute experience education program focused on justice and community change
  • Collaborate with a team of peers and a community employer partner through the Community GIGs program as a repeat participant in a leadership capacity