Jazz Ensemble
Jazz Ensemble meets Wednesday evenings from 7:40PM - 9:40PM on the Majestic Stage (unless otherwise indicated). This time must be fully available in your schedule in order to participate in the ensemble.
Auditions for the Fall 2024 Semester:
For horns (saxophones, trumpets, and trombones): Auditions for Jazz Ensemble will take place during large-ensemble auditions (wind symphony & symphony orchestra) on Monday, August 26, 2024. Sign-up sheets will be available upon your arrival to campus on the second floor of Schmucker Hall. Excerpt lists include materials for jazz ensemble. Learn more about Instrumental Ensembles Auditions.
For rhythm section (drums, bass, piano, guitar): Auditions for Jazz Ensemble will take place Wednesday, August 28, 2024 between 7:40-9:40PM on the Majestic Stage. The horns will already be seated and you will audition with the band at that time.
For vocal soloists: More information will be forthcoming.
If you are planning to study abroad in the spring 2025 semester, you may still audition for the band in the fall semester. There will be auditions again at the beginning of the semester to re-seat any chairs that need to be adjusted at that point. Students studying abroad in the fall 2024 semester may audition for the band in January for the spring 2025 semester.
Horns: Your audition material is part of your large ensemble audition. Please indicate your availability to participate on the paperwork distributed at auditions.
Rhythm section: Please fill out the form at the following link to have excerpts of the swing and Latin-style chart emailed to you: https://forms.office.com/r/G9tyMuGSje
Bass: Swing and Latin-style chart, and sight reading at slow and fast tempos with the band.
Guitar: Comping with swing and Latin-style chart, solo excerpt, and sight reading at slow and fast tempos with the band.
Piano: Comping with swing and Latin-style chart, solo playing with the band, and sight reading at slow and fast tempos with the band.
Drums: Demonstrate ballad, medium, and fast swing time with brushes and sticks. Other grooves as well, including but not limited to: bossa nova, funk, and Afro-Cuban. Sight reading at slow and fast tempos with the band on swing and Latin-style chart.
Jazz Combos/Jazz Dispatch and Jazz Improvisation Lessons
Please contact Professor Eric Byrd (EByrd@gettysburg.edu) or Dr. Amanda Heim (aheim@gettysburg.edu) with any questions about playing in a jazz combo or studying jazz improvisation. More information will be forthcoming.