Scheduling and Room Reservations

Students and faculty are responsible for requesting space in Schmucker Hall for events such as recital rehearsals, group meetings, etc.

25Live is the system used for space reservation on campus. To use 25Live, students and faculty need an account/password. Students and faculty can then schedule spaces for their events.

To obtain a 25Live account, access the calendar, and begin proposing your room reservations, go to the 25Live Event Scheduling Training site.

Get 25Live!

Be sure to place your requests and reservations at least three business days prior to the event to allow for event approval and dissemination to all departments.

If you have an approved reservation for a space that is normally locked, contact or visit the Department of Public Safety to have the space opened for your use. You are then responsible for securing the space following your event.

When using rooms, please note:

  • Computers and AV equipment should not be altered from its original configuration.
  • Please be respectful of the needs and times of everyone sharing classroom spaces.
  • Return the room to its original setup at the end of your meeting or event.
  • Lock the room when you leave. As the reserving party, any issues with the room or equipment will be attributed to you.