The Sunderman Conservatory of Music is committed to the health and wellness of students and faculty alike. Musicians have special needs and issues regarding their health, and the resources on these pages address each of them.
Physical Health and Wellness includes information on muscle strain, repetivite motion injury, ergonomics, and posture. Auditory Health and Wellness provides information regarding appropriate sound levels for musicians and hearing protection. Vocal Health and Wellness discusses care of the voice and vocal disorders. Mental Health and Wellness covers topics of interest to all, such as stress reduction, time management, emotional well-being, and performance anxiety.
The Conservatory regularly hosts guest speakers and special presentations on a variety of topics related to musicians' health and wellness.
Our library liaison, Amy Ward, has acquired useful materials for the library collection, and included them in an annotated bibliography on the library’s website. The site also has links to additional resources, and can be accessed from any computer on campus or on the campus network.
We encourage you to explore each of these areas for information relevant to you and your situation. We also welcome your own ideas and links; to submit your own information for inclusion on this site contact a member of the Health and Wellness Committee.