While care of the body is important, taking care of your mental and emotional well-being is equally important. Gettysburg College offers a variety of services and support systems to assist students in achieving balance.
If you are concerned about a peer or know of someone who may need assistance, Gettysburg College has established a way to let others know about the situation confidentially and with discretion for all: Gettysburg CARES. If you are concerned about someone's behavior or you have information about a student that causes you concern, contact the CARE team immediately.
Counseling Services
A confidential conversation with a counselor is a good place to start addressing the wide variety of concerns faced by students. A counselor can help you sort out your situation, your feelings, your options, and resources that might be of help to you.
Students seek counseling for a wide range of concerns. For example, you may have concerns about relationships with family, friends, roommates, or other important people in your life; sex, sexual identity, or sexual orientation; feelings of anxiety or panic; life decisions or direction; feelings of depression, hopelessness or suicidality; eating, weight, or body image; drug or alcohol use; performance or creative blocks; achievement and motivation; self-esteem; adjusting to college; adjusting to a new language or culture; coping with a psychological or physical illness or disability; or coping with traumatic events or memories. Also, if you began counseling or psychiatric treatment at home or while away from campus you may want to arrange continuing treatment now that you are here.
Counseling is confidential, protected by law and by ethical standards, and there is no charge for counseling or a consultation. Counseling at Gettysburg College
Self-Help Resources

Students with Disabilities
The staff in the Gettysburg College Office of Academic Advising and Student Support Services provides support for students with disabilities. If you have questions about policies, procedures, or accommodations, please contact the
Time Management and Stress Reduction
Musicians and music majors face unique demands on their time. The development of techniques for effective time management and stress reduction are critical to the success of student musicians and music faculty.
An introduction to Getting Things Done by David Allen, written by Merlin Mann. “Getting Things Done, or GTD, changed the way I work and live - things got better and stayed better! A tremendous tool for time management” - Dr. McCutcheon
Personal Development Strategies and Time Management by Sid Savara. A larger view of your life and work, with many posts relevant to goal setting and achievement.
Stress Management and Relief Information from the Mayo Clinic. Includes many links to topics related to stress reduction techniques.
Performance Anxiety
Tips to Combat Performance Anxiety by Dave Carbonell, Ph.D.